Arrival of the Past Part 4

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The sandstorm was here, and we along with many other people in the land were locked into their homes. I couldn't sleep, my nerves were bothering me. I had my phone with me, but it was useless out here, just as much as in the past.

I slowly stood up from my bed, I wobbled to the door. I put on a new cotton bandage on my arm to help the cut. 'Uh..this is so weird....I wanna go outside..., but...I can't.'

I looked down at the mini millennium ring necklace around my neck. It was harmless, a simple little ring given to me by Mahad, and requested by Atem. I still felt uncomfortable having it show around people who I didn't know. Grabbing the thin chain, I slipped it under my shirt. Taking a few step forward I walked to the chair that had a few clothes layed out on it. A long sleeve white collared shirt, black shorts, and next to it white capri pants. Then last but not least, a pair of long light blue and black plaid long sleeved shirt.

"....I guess I must."

I looked left, then right down the hall. There was no on there. So I tiptoed slowly down the hall going into the living room, and kitchen. Like since I saw it hasn't change, it was still small, and simple with 3 little windows. I walked to the window on the door. The long light blue shirt swaying that I now wore. I guess wearing light colors, with the white pants were a smart idea. If I took one step out, it would be a lot warmer outside. The ring swayed under my shirt around my neck as I took my last step forward, like if Atem was walking with the puzzle around his neck.

I leaned forward to the small window setting my face almost on the glass as I peaked out. I haven't left this cabin house ever since I got here. I didn't want to cause trouble for Diva, so I tried to watch myself.

'Oh...' I gasped a bit. The land was basically a cloud of orange, and yellow. I couldn't see the sun, nor the ground. I was creepy...a bit because you wouldn't see anyone come walking from up there till they were literally right at the glass.


"!!!!" 'WAAH' I jumped at the sudden voice. Feeling the heat rush to me as I turned to see Diva standing there with wide golden eyes in his blue mixed green vest coat. He held a hand out a bit. "Ah, I'm sorry to scare you, but it isn't safe to stand so close to the window. The winds could get really strong."

"Oh...., I see..." I stepped back in slight embarrassment. 'Come on get it together...stupid. I should've know this.' However, there was something I missed to realise in the minuet. His golden eyes flickered as I slowly walked to the table.

"That..., necklace." His soft but wondering voice caught me off guard.

"!!!" *Thump!* I felt my heart pulse hard. I tried to keep calm, and a normal face. "It's very nice." His compliment caught me off guard, but what was the truth behind it? "'s special to me." I whispered quietly suddenly getting the feeling I need to make a tea to calm myself down. I stood up suddenly. "!...something wrong?" He looked a me a bit worried. Pulling a half smile I speak. " I just want to make a tea."

"I can make it, that is if you want. You are still injured..."

"💨 it's fine. I should get use to walking again." I made my way over to the stove, and sink. " 'Hello...? Dark are you there.' I called out once again. As I looked down at the sink pouring some water. I looked to the side as I got no reply. Diva sat quietly as I made the tea, but he kept one eye on me at all times. ' I wonder... how....?' He thought.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now