✨Crystal water✨

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"......" My phone stopped buzzing shortly after. I didn't have the nerve to look at it.

I almost told Yusei, that there where.( Fangirls......) Around there.

*Sigh " Well..! lets go to the park right by the water." I smiled.

I waited for the light to change to the white walking person, so I could cross. Till then I just stood there waiting. Still something felt wrong.
I saw the car's light start to change orange...then red. There was my light of the walking person. I began to cross the street.

I was more than half way across then street when I heard a horn blaring at me.

"!!!" I turned my head seeing a truck coming down the street in my direction, plowing a few cars off the road, it was now on the side walk.

"!!" N-no way!!"

(____!! GET off the side walk!!!) Amethyst yelled at me. I ran for my life forward hoping it was not aimed at me anymore. I realized how wrong I was. Grabbing the railing of the bridge. I pushed myself over it.

"!Waahh..!" *CRASH!* Only inches away from me the large truck smashed into the side of the wall where I jumped off.

(____!!!!!!! I heard my duel spirits scream at me.

The wind howled as I dropped a good 50 30 meters down towards the water.

"!!" My hair flew up all around me.

( Lady ____!!) A voice cut my thoughts off. As I see Pegasus diving down towards me.

"P-Pegasus..!" I gasp.

( Don't worry lady ____ we won't leave you!)

Time was running out, I was just dropping way to fast. No matter how fast Pegasus flapped his golden wigs , I fell faster.
Just taking a half of breath, cold wet darkness surrounded me.


" Ngh..!"

I held onto my breath, realizing I was alive. I kicked my feet hard. Swimming up, to where the light was.
"Mhh.!!"* Blub blub blub* The bubbles around me crawled around my ears.

* Splaash!!! "HUAA! * cough! COUGH!* I push out from the water gasping for air. I was way below the city.

" Lady ___!!!!" A loud familiar shout cut me off, however it seemed different some how. However, I had no time to waste, I was getting wet, my phone and my cards where getting drenched with water in no time.

I kick my feet, and slowly swim out to a drop of land just under the bridge. I could hear sirens and loud commotion from way above echoing.

"Pe..!" I gasp onto the dirt and pull myself out. " Ugh........cold..water.. yuk..." I rolled over onto the ground breathing hard.

Pulling my phone out of my soaked cloths, I putting it down next to me. Looking at it hard. (.....maybe I should check it..............Yusei.....might get worried if he hears that I have fallen over one of the biggest bridges in the city. All for not getting hit, by a out of control truck.

"_____!!" It was that voice again. I looked up seeing figures running towards me, but wait they weren't human.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now