🌸Glowing Eyes 🌸Part 2

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Here is some more music 

It was during the night when I was awoken from my sleep. My heart was racing like crazy.

Everyone was sleeping in their little makeshift beds of fabric. I was nervous, why was I anxious? It was strange.

'..can you see me now, sitting here?' I wasn't sure if Atem could see me. It was possible. Maybe he would be sleeping right now in his era.

I slammed myself back into the bed, curling into a ball as I tried to sleep a bit more. I tried to clear negative thoughts from my mind, but it was hard.

( Next morning)

Feeling tired and slightly worried. We continued our way to Atem's tomb.

After a couple of hours, we finally arrived. "Here?" I asked.

"Yes, this is the place. Now..be cautious. Atem may be a friend, but his tomb could have traps."

"Alright, I understand." Yugi stood next to me on one side, while Diva was on the other. 'Atem..? can you hear me..?' Probably not, he would be resting technically.

Going down and down, far underground, down the long stone steps. We finally reached flat ground. We lit the inside with some torches we found. it was just enough light for us to see.

I placed my hand into my pocket, the pocket where my puzzle piece was sitting. The one I was given before leaving. It was only a little longer, and we would test out Atem and Mahad's attempt in reuniting us.

'Now do not worry _____. If this does not work, you may always visit. Okay?' Atem's soft words played in my head. It almost made me tear up.

"Ready ____? I believe it's just down that way." Diva pointed. I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I looked to my side, Yugi was trying to calm me down. "..I.. can tell you are worried." He muttered kindly. "Thanks, Yugi." I smiled.

"Diva let me go first. I may be welcome enough, even if there is a spirit here. They may know me from the past. I'm not sure if you guys are though.."

"Ha...very well. You may be right."

I stepped forward and led us into the deep tomb. Far at the back as soon as my torch light lit it up. I could see a large statue of Anubis. I stepped closer with my respectful foot leading me. If there was any magical trap here, I wanted to show I was no threat.

I was only a couple of steps away when I suddenly see the Anubis' eyes begin to glow. I halted instantly. Waiting to see if something was going to happen.

"I sense the one called, the Pharaoh's friend." I sigh upon hearing Anubis' voice. 'Here we go..'

"It spoke!" Yugi gasped. "Calm...we do not know what he may do." Diva holds an arm out.

"Human speak. What is your name, why have you come?" Anubis did not move, only his eyes glowed an animalistic bright gold.

"I am ____. I have returned here upon Pharaoh Atem's request." Anubis said nothing for a moment. I suddenly felt another presence next to me. My eyes slowly moved to see my dark magician standing there kneeling before Anubis.

' Dark..?'

'Don't worry Lady _____. I am here to help.' I would be lying if I wasn't sweating. Anubis was normally peaceful and friendly. However, he guarded the underworld. He controlled things, I was harmful. He could kill me.

"Hmm, yes you speak the truth. I have received word. Never well _____. You may enter, but Only you. If your followers do not listen they will be cut down." Anubis spoke in a dog like a growl.

"Guys, don't move."

Diva swallowed, just hearing they could die here if they went farther. "Sure, you got this." Yugi adds. 'I will guard them ____, now go.'

'Thanks, Dark.'

Taking in a deep breath. I began to walk forward down the path and cross right in front of Anubis. His eyes followed me. 'Just get into that room where he lays, then I'm okay. I think.'

It was so quiet as I stepped into a room with Egyptian writing all over the walls. There was Atem's sarcophagus right at the back wall. I pulled the puzzle out of my pocket, clutching it gently in my hand.

*Tap....tap* I could hear my footsteps echo.

"Atem....are you here?" I breathed, getting closer and closer.

"I..have returned just as you said...friend."

Nothing.., nothing happened yet. I was one step away from where he lay. Normally one shouldn't touch a sarcophagus, but technically he gave me permission to even be here.

I kneel down on the ground and place my hand down on the smooth box-like object.

I spoke once more.

"Atem.., it's me ____. Please wake up."

My small little puzzle piece began to glow. My eyes widen when I see golden light illuminating the rim of the case. It started to shake, more and more.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum