When He Turns Into a Cat (Samezuka)

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Rin: One day after school you saw a reddish-orange (I'm choosing this color to make it look as natural as possible) cat walking on the street. When you tried to pick it up, it squirmed a bit, but then it got used to you and just calmly laid in your arms. When you got home you looked in the fridge for some milk and whatever food a cat may be able to have. You pried deep into your fridge, and then your freezer when you found some frozen fish. You put some fish on a plate and left it to thaw. You noticed that the cat has finished its milk and now pawing for the fish. "I know, you're hungry, but you have to wait a bit," you said. "You're like my boyfriend Rin; you like it when you get what you want when you want it," you stated, and smiled, rubbing the cat behind its ears. When the fish was done thawing you placed the plate on the floor for the cat. About an hour later you successfully made the cat a bed and placed it in the bed. "You're so cute!" You exclaimed, and then you went to bed too. The next morning you heard a grumble, "what am I am doing in this bed?" You sat up, and saw Rin sitting in the bed that you made for the cat.

Sousuke: When you were done with work one night you locked up the shop that you were working in and started your walk home. When you stepped out the door you almost screamed at what you saw. It was a big, black cat just sitting there, as if it were waiting for you. You noticed that it had no collar, and it was useless to try to find a shelter that was open at this hour to go to. You decided that the best decision was to talk the cat home and fed it whatever you had. When you got home you left some milk in a bowl and some cat food in the next bowl. You had cat food from a previous pet that you had. Anyways, you noticed that when the cat walked, it had a limp, as if something was wrong with on of its front legs. You thought about how that was like Sousuke and his injured shoulders. You also too noticed that the cat liked your couch, and so you just left it there for the night. The next day you woke up to find Sousuke sleeping on your couch, instead of a cat.

Nitori: One day after (random sport or favorite sport) practice, it was pouring hard outside and you stood under the school for shelter, waiting for someone to come pick you up. You heard some noises and saw that a little grey cat was crawling around you to keep dry from the rain. You picked it up, and cuddled it in your arms to keep it warm. You felt the poor thing was shaking from the cold. After your (parent/ guardian) came and picked you up, you took the cat with you. When you got home you set it down in your bedroom, and immediately your dogs went crazy over your guys' new guest, and you tried to calm them down, except the cat didn't seem to mind them. In fact, your dogs and cat got along quite well. After you've fed all of your pets, including toe new one you went to take a shower. When you came back downstairs you saw that your new cat was sleeping soundly on one of your dogs. You quickly snapped a picture and went to bed. The next morning you came downstairs to see Nitori sleeping soundly, while resting on your dog.

Momo: While running around the park by yourself one day you found a cat, who was a fiery orange color. It had yellow eyes with a sprinkle of mischief in them. Since it reminded you so much of Momo you took it home, just so you could show Momo the next day. When you got home you had to lock it out of your room for a bit, so you can hide all of your beloved bugs from getting into the paws of a cat, because god forbid anything happen to those. Then, you tried to get the cat to take a bath, not knowing that they are totally capable of grooming themselves. You gave the cat some food and milk, and then you made the cat a little bed on the floor of your living room. You still didn't trust that cat around your beloved insects. That night you watched a movie with your newfound friend. About halfway through the movie you felt a pressure on your chest. You looked down and saw the cat sleeping on top of your chest. You realized that there's no point in trying to move anywhere else, so you fell asleep on the couch along with it. The next day you woke up, and the next thing you know you were shouting, "Momo, get off of me!"

Seiji: You haven't seen Seiji all day. You didn't see him in class, and he wasn't at lunch. What was stranger was that he wasn't at practice either. Seiji would skip class every once in awhile. He would rarely skip lunch, but he would never dare to skip practice, especially since you guys had a big race coming up. After practice you went to his room to see if he was there. When you got to his room number you knocked, but the door creaked open. You took a look around, but there was no one there. Suddenly, you heard some meowing, and you turned around. You saw a red cat staring up at you. "Seiji got a cat?" You wondered out loud. You picked it up and started to look around for Seiji. He was no where to be found. You decided that the best decision was to feed his cat and wait until he got back from wherever he was to discuss what he was doing all day. You looked through his cupboards, but you didn't find any cat food. The best you could do was a small bag of tuna bites. You put some in a bowl and fed it to the cat. That night you and the cat went to sleep, cuddling in Seiji's bed. The next morning you woke up in a pair on strong arms. "Seiji?" You mumbled. "Yes babe?" He replied. "Where were you yesterday?" You asked. "A better question is; why are you in my bed?"

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