Chapter Twenty-Five! Some People Never Change

Start from the beginning

"Your nose is looking better." He said as we slowed down a bit. 

"You're just saying that..." I mumbled, looking at my feet, then kicking my shoes off and taking a seat. 

"All I see is a beautiful girl next to me." He smiled softly, kissing my nose. At first, I winced. But later, I relaxed.

"Thanks Hazza." I smiled weakly at the sand. We sat in perfect silence, except for the constant crashes of waves against the land, until I spoke, and broke it. 

"This would be perfect for a picnic." I thought out loud. Harry seemed deep in thought. 

"Then a picnic it shall be." He announced.

"Uh... Harry... We don't have anything for a picnic." I said.

"Or do we?" He grinned cheekily. 

"Do we?" I smiled back.

"We do alright. First, lay your coverup here on the sand." 

I placed my sundress on the spot. This left me standing in my bikini, with a wig on, a black nose, and standing next to Harry Styles... Totally normal, right?

"So what are we going to do about food?" I asked, standing up and admiring our blanket. 

"We'll fish of course!" He smiled mischievously, and handed me a stick. "This is pretty sharp. I'll start a fire to cook it, and you get the fish."

"Right." I said bravely, and started marching away, like a soldier. I stood knee deep, and stared into the clear water. It was extremely warm and comforting, like a blanket against my skin. The water revealed small stones glistening in the moonlight, small scraps of seaweed... But no fish. "Harry?" I called behind me. "There aren't any fish here."

"Shh!" He said, coming from behind me. "You can't let them know that!" He pulled the stick out of my fingers, and looked around.

"Haz... Are you mad or something?" I asked cautiously.

"No... There we go!" He exclaimed, jabbing the stick in the water. He pulled it out, and it was exactly the same as it was before. "Okay, you go cook this one while I get another... And could you put on the kettle and make some tea?" 

That was when I finally understood. He wasn't mad. We were having a pretend picnic. I chuckled a bit to myself as I took the "fish" over to the blazing fire. This would be fun.


"This looks delicious, nice job Babe." He smiled, sitting down and putting his arm around me. 

"Thanks Hair-Bear." I laughed, remembering that awful name.

"That name...." He couldn't even finish his sentence, he burst out laughing,

"Here's your fish, and your fork." I said, handing him air. He took it gratefully, acted like he was shoving his fork through it, then shoved the "fork" in his mouth. 

"Mmmm." He sighed gratefully. "Delicious."  

I also took a bite. "Agreed. Here's your tea. Careful though, it's hot." 

He took the "cup" and sipped, only to pretend to spit it out and drop the cup back on the ground. 

"Hot! Hot!" He screamed, whiping his tongue with his hands.

"I told you it was hot." I laughed.

"But not this hot," He groaned, still faking the pain.

"Well what can I do to help Babe?" I smirked.

"Kiss it better." He said, no longer in as much pain. 

"Well... Only if I must." I shrugged, then started leaning towards him. Our lips were just about to meet, in that perfect moment, when I heard a rustling. I ignored it. It was probably just the wind after all. We kissed, and I forgot everything else. Until, we got split apart, literally. By none other than a certain young lad running between us. 

"Oh were you two in the middle of something?" Louis asked, holding back laughter. The other boys walked around us and stood next to him. 

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you guys have some singing to do, or something?"


Hey Lovelys! Sorry this took so long! My week was packed! Anyways! Please, please, please, comment, vote and fan everyone! And, I will be doing One Shots! I have a seperate story thing set up for them, but if you want one, you can comment here or there, whatever works! Alright, bye!

-FanFiction101 xx

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