Chapter One! A Long Overdue Visit

Start from the beginning

"JAMIE!" He yelled dramatically, using his pet name for me, since it rhymed with Amy. "How've you been? Are you okay? Are you dead? You DO look quite pale!" He gasped, cupping my face in his hands.

"How did you know Hewy?! I am dead! And I'm haunting you right now!" I screamed. I slapped him across the face a few seconds later. I wasn't very strong. It didn't hurt him a bit. He just laughed. "Put me down." I chuckled.

"Fine, fine fine." He smiled. I got to work on the tea. I knew where everything was, I didn't need help. "So how have you been?"

"Just terrible. My lack of awesome people has been sucking the awesomeness out of me." I sighed exasperatingly.

"It has been a while. Two months since a face to face conversation. I didn't expect that from you." He smirked.

"I know. I'm so awful that I haven't been able to see you as you go all around the country."

"Well maybe you could be touring with us if you would just start your career early." He shrugged.

"I told you I won't." I sighed. "I'm finishing college first... Plus I'd have to wear that awful wig."

At this, my all fixed up beau waltzed in and wrapped his arms around me from behind, and Louis went who knows where.

"Long time... Lots of Skype." Harry observed.

"Well I'm actually here now! In the flesh!" I announced, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me to finish the tea."We have to hurry if we want to actually drink this before class."

"Here's an idea! How about an honourary cancellation?" Harry suggested.

"Here's an idea! How about I fail all my classes?" I laughed.

"Well I suppose we need someone to outsmart Liam..." he reasoned, then thought a moment. "But...I haven't been trying not to see you." He walked over to the table.

"Like you've missed me that much! I've called to talk to you EVERY DAY. Plus you've been on tour so much, you haven't always picked up. Voicemails don't make very good conversation."

I grabbed the two mugs of newly finished tea and brought them to the table where Harry was waiting. Next, I grabbed a chair and pulled it over until his and mine touched. We sat in silence for a bit, until he intertwined his fingers in mine. I looked up into his sparkling green eyes, and he smiled down at me.

"I missed you too." he whispered, then slowly made his way down until our lips touched. This is what I was missing going to college. I had to remind myself why I chose that over him.

"But why did you come here today?" He asked, breaking the kiss.

"To see you! And! I have news!" He nodded, urging me to go on. "Tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation!"

"Really?" He smiled. "Want me to come and pick your stuff up? I can bring it home." By home, he was referring to my flat, the one right next to his and the others' that had been empty for the last eight months.

"Thanks. It will be good to be home. And within seconds of my boys!" I yelled, so that the others, (who's ears were most likely plastered against the wall to easdrop on me and Harry) could hear me loud and clear.

"We're her boys?" Niall laughed.

"I don't know about that." Zayn, who was newly awake, chuckled.

"...Yeah we are." Liam slowly nodded, they had come out of hiding by this time.

"Well I'm not." Louis sniffed. "I'm no ones "boy." I'm Amy's man!" He puffed out his chest.

"Oh Lou." I sighed contentedly. "You're so funny."

"Funny? Oh I suppose you think that Harry's more of your man." he rolled his eyes.

"Well... Yeah." I laughed. "Are you implying that you want to change that Lou?" I raised an eyebrow. After recent events, and Eleanor and him growing apart, it could've happened had either of us had the slightest interest in the other.

He couldn't have looked more disgusted. "GROSS! AMY GERMS!" He screamed and ran around in circles. We all decided to ignore it, because sometimes, it was all you could do.

"...Moving on!" Harry announced. "What time is your last class?"

"Over at noon."

"I'll be outside your door." He did one of those smooth stares that he was so good at... The ones that make me feel like butter.

"Great idea Mate!" Louis smirked, having calmed down by then. "And how do you suppose everyone is going to feel about yet another girl wanting to marry you being in the crowd?"

At this I turned bright red. "Thanks Lou." I stuck my tongue out at him. "But... he's right... How would you do that?"

"The same way that you're Lily Afford." He winked. "A wig, and some sunglasses."

"Like you could fit that hair under a wig." I laughed, ruffling it around with my hand.

"I think it's a great idea!" Liam grinned. "I've always wanted to go under cover!"

"Then it's settled. Twelve o'clock noon, you guys will try your best not to get noticed. Oh I have to go!" I suddenly screamed, grabbed my knapsack, pulled Harry to his Range Rover, and shoved him in the driver seat.

"Why isn't Louis driving? You DO seem to think that my excellent driving is reckless." He laughed quietly, starting the car.

"I need to get there fast! Louis can be rather snail like." I laughed. He nodded in approval an continued driving like the mad man he and I knew he was.


Hello Everyone! This is my first One Direction fan fiction! I absolutely love writing, especially about the guys! So please comment! All feedback is appreciated! And if you like it, please vote! Thanks!(:

Also, I don't own the rights to the amazing band, and this is all purely fictional and for fun! FanFiction101 xx

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