✨Long lost Friends✨Edited Again!!

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(Hello! welcome to my story I wrote many years ago. It's still ongoing! This book has a lot of Ancient Egyptian themes later on. It has also been tweaked a bit. This story follows areas after Duel Monsters and Yu-Gi-OH The Dark Side Of Dimensions. I personally loved that movie.)
My favorite characters are Atem, Dark Magician/ Mahad, and Diva or also known as Aigami. So there will be lot's about them. Enjoy!)

( This is a small new section I typed into this chapter, to link the story better)

Having a nice walk alone near the park was the best thing.
Walking down this massive hill.

When my eyes spotted a tall black spiky haired guy with a motorcycle pulled over to the side of the road. He seems to be helping someone start up their car.

Then my eyes widen knowing who that's guy was.
It was Yusei.

I ran over to him as fast as I could.

He looks up with a smile. "Hi__! How are you?"

I smile. " Yusei!! Im great." Giving the guy a very short tap on the shoulder.

"Whoa.__ aha It's been a while." He pats my head.

I lean forward. " Soo what are you doing?"

" Well this mans car wouldn't start so I was helping him boost it."

He says looking at his duel runner.

His spiky black hair with yellow highlights always wanted me to touch it. Though I was shy sometimes around him even if I have known his for so many years.

That's what happens when I get shy around guys.

"Hey,a Yusei how is Crow, and Jack these days? Are they still fighting for jobs?"

Yusei blinks with his dark blue eyes. Then laugh a little. " They haven't been that bad, though when they fight I tend to just leave, and let them sort it out. Those two can be hot heads."

I giggle. " Aha, yea."

"Hey if you wanna see them I can take you back to my place. I bet they are around."

My eyes light up. " Really!??" I start jumping up, and down.

Yusei laughs nodding to me.

The man comes back. " Thank you for helping me start my car."

"It was no problem, "Yusei says.

Then he turns to me. " Let's go then."

He says holding out a hand to me.

I take it as he pulls me to his duel runner.

Lifting of the handle I sit behind him or more like crouch on the very back.

He hands me a red helmet.

I put it on.

The second Yusei sits on the duel runner leans making me react funny.

" Wahh!" I almost fall of the back edge.

That's when I felt a hand grab my wrist.

" Gotcha, careful next time." Yusei smiles.

Letting go of my hand I stabilize myself.

Yusei then lifts up the kickstand, and we go.

My eyes opened wide, I was so fascinated seeing the word in the fast lane.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now