Never driven

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"Your nerves are kicking in, aren't they?" she says.

"No there not why?" He says

"Oh well you've gone all huffy" she says.

"I'm just tired" he says.

"You should have said and I would have drove for a bit!" she says.

"Niamh that's stupid you've never driven on a motorway before" joe replies.

"Would you calm down please!" she snaps.

"I've drove on a toll road so it's no different to a motorway and well it's not that hard" she replies.

"I am calm" he replies.

"You don't seem it to me" she says.

Joe says nothing and carries on driving. Niamh rolls her eyes and continues looking through notifications on her phone.

She smiles as she reads the comments to her and joes selfie. "Joe people like it" she smiles.

"What are they saying? Joe huffs.

"Just that we're cute and there's loads of edits coming out of that photo too" she smiles as she likes a few.

"See I told you it was nice" she smiles. "Aww I like this one" Niamh smiles, Joe keeps his eyes on the road.

"It's says together no matter what" she smiles.

"Oh how lovely" Joe says sarcastically.

Niamh rolls her eyes and looks over we shoulder at Matthew. "Hello sleepy head" she coos as he looks at her tiredly.

Niamh puts his dummy back in his mouth and smiles. Joe smiles a little as he glances at her, "you okay?" He asks to break the awkward silence.

"Just tired and you?" she asks.

"I'm rather hungry, fancy stopping off in around Half hour?" He asks.

Niamh nods and closes her eyes and drifts off again. Niamh nods and closes her eyes and drifts off again.

Joe smiles at her and drives off the motorway and then onto a main road and then onto some country lanes which wakes Niamh.

"Hey you" Joe smiles as she streches out a little.

She looks at him and smiles a little as her mouth is dry she reaches for her bottle of water. "How you feeling after earlier?" he asks as he glances back at Matthew who is out for he count.

"Erm... Okay" she lies.

Joe nods and smiles, "you still look at bit pale, but we can stop for a bite to eat and then just have dinner in the hotel?" he suggests?

"May as well" Niamh mutters.

"What's up?" he asks.

"I feel sick" she mutters.

"Oh dear, drink some more water" he says as he strokes her knee.

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