The Test

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Later on that day Niamh has gone home, luckily Elliot isn't home so she quickly locks the front door with the key still in on the inside, Niamh grabs her pregnancy test she has purchased on her way home and dashes upstairs to the bathroom.
She's scared for what it's going to say. Not only that she will be growing a human, but the fact that it's more likely to be Joe's baby!
Niamh locks herself in the bathroom and sits on the edge of the bath and reads the instructions carefully.
She goes through with the test and sits there waiting for a bit.

'Fuck what if I am pregnant, Elliot will kill me if he realises it's not his' she thinks to herself and starts to overreact.
"Deep breathes, calm down Niamh" she says out loud to herself as she paces the bathroom. She knows it's been 3 minutes but she can't bare to look at the test."Come on Niamh you can do this right?" she says aloud. She doesn't want to look but she knows she'll have to sometime soon.

She grabs the test off the side and closes her eyes "Okay after three Niamh... One... Two... Go!" She says again aloud and looks down at her test, her heart flutters and she holds her breath. She can feel her heart going really fast, she feels she might faint, she can't believe what it says.

She sits herself down on the toilet lid and tries to calm herself. She tries to slow her breathing down as she is hyperventalating.
She grabs her phone and texts Joe, "need to talk ASAP Elliot isn't home, Please it's urgent" she sends it to him hoping he'll come round.

He doesn't reply so she ends up phoning him. "Niamh what's up?" he asks he can hear her starting to cry.
"Niamh!" he says.

"...Joe please come round, Elliots not home and I need you here as soon as possible" she mumbles through the tears.

"Niamh what's going on? Has he hurt you again?" Joe says as he starts to panic.

"No no it's nothing like that, I promise, but please are you free to come round? I could do with the company and I need to share something with you. Elliot's not home untill next week sometime" she says as she cries harder.

Joe agrees and gets a few things and heads to Niamh's wondering what in the world could be wrong.
He heads to her door and knocks it. She answers straight away and throws her arms around him extreamly happy to see him.

"No...I'll not be allowed to do that for the next 9 months or so" she says as tears fall down her face and it instantly clicks with Joe whats going on.

He leans against the door, "your... Pregnant" he breathes and Niamh nods.

"Please don't run like most blokes do, I need someone to comfort me and Joe...your all...your all I got" she chokes as the tears become too much.

He hugs her and Niamh holds onto him, "I... Niamh... I wasn't... Gonna" he says as he holds her close.

"You sound really shocked and I..."

"Shh, I've got you now, I'm here" he says as she cries into his chest.

Niamh cries and Joe holds her close, "baby already, we could of at least gone for a few drinks first" he mutters as he kisses her head.

Niamh looks up at him, "I'm so sorry Joe" she says as she continues to cry.

He laughs "stop apologising, I'm 40 and I haven't had a child yet, Niamh this is going to sound crazy but if it does turn out to be mine, I will be with you 100%" he smiles.

"Now come on, let's sit you down and calm you down" he says as he holds her close and walks her through to the lounge. Niamh is clearly shaken by her news and she really is worried about telling Elliot.

He holds her close, "Besides I'm with you more than Elliot is at work anyway, so you'll be okay, your safe in my hands babe" he says as he kisses her cheek and wipes her tears away

Niamh looks up at him and smiles a little, before the facial expression drops, "I'm gonna be sick!" She says as her hand flies to her mouth.
She dashes to the toilet and throws herself over the toilet bowl. "Things can only get worse" she groans. Joe follows her in, he rubs her back and holds her hair out of the way for her.

He notices as he moves her hair all the bruises up the back of her neck.
He kneels down beside her, "oh my gosh Niamh, he damages the real Niamh on the outisde as much as he does on the inside" Joe says as Niamh looks up at him tears falling down her face. Niamh stands back up and holds her stomach before flushing the toilet.

He pulls her into a hug carefully, "let me get you a glass of water go sit down and I'll be back in a bit" he says as he pulls away and walks through to the kitchen.

She sits herself back on the sofa and grabs her light blue fleece blanket and pulls her knees up to her chest.
Joe comes back with a glass of ice cold water for her, "here take this babe" he smiles as he hands her the glass of water and comes and sits next to her.

"Joe please stop calling me babe, we sound like naughty teenagers when you say that" she laughs and Joe smiles too.

He laughs a little before putting his arm around her and pulling her into a hug. Niamh slowly falls asleep on his lap, which is a relief for Joe because he knows she hasn't been sleeping very well. He kisses her cheek and runs his hands through her hair as she slowly drifts off.

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