My name is Katie

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"I shall see you two later" Joe smiles.

Niamh nods "see you later then" she smiles as she hugs him.

"Are we still on for lunch or dinner later?" she asks, He nods and holds her waist and kisses her.

"I shall just take Matthew for a walk then" she smiles.

"Okay babe, go for coffee or something" he smiles.

She nods and kisses him before going for a walk, Niamh heads out the studios and looks down at Matthew who's half asleep. "Oh baby are you sleepy" she coos.

She gets out of the studios and surprisingly isn't stopped by anyone. She walks to a cafe down the street and goes in, Matthew drops off to sleep which makes Niamh smile.

She buys herself a coffee and something to eat and goes to get a table. Niamh gets Matthew out and grabs a bottle.

He whines a little as Niamh lifts him out. "Shh shh shh shh, Matthew it's fine it's only mummy" Niamh says.
"Here have some milk" Niamh says as she puts the teat to his mouth but he isn't having any of it and starts to kick off. "Or do you just want a cuddle?" Niamh says. Niamh lies him on her chest, "is all you want mummy's attention?" Niamh coos.

Niamh rubs his back as he calms down."Shall we try you again with your bottle?" she says as she sits him up on her knee.

Matthew looks around wide eyed and then looks at the bottle. She puts the teat to his mouth again but he doesn't take want it and starts to whimper.

"No Matthew I'm not feeding you normally Matty here" she says.

"Sorry baby boo" Niamh coos.

Matthew cries and pulls at Niamh's top, "Here look Matty" she says as she shows him the bottle.

Matthew kicks his legs and looks away. "Oh Matty come on" Niamh says.

Niamh bounces him a little and he burps "maybe that was your issue" Niamh says. He's sick down his bib, "oh dear, that's what's up isn't it?" Niamh says as she cleans him up.

Matthew grabs Niamh hair and is sick a little more. "Hey rascal!" Niamh says.

Niamh cleans up him again, "lucky thing for you daddy is bathing you tonight" Niamh coos.

"Good boy" Niamh says.
Matthew only drinks some of it until he doesn't want anymore.

"Excuse me?" A voice comes from beside her.

Niamh looks up at a young girl looking at her, "oh hi" Niamh says assuming it's a fan.

"Hi urn..." The girl says.

"What can I do for you?" she smiles as she sits Matthew up and burps him.

"I-I-I er" she says completely tongue tied.

"Sit down sure" Niamh smiles as the girl seems rather nervous.

"Sit down sure" Niamh smiles as the girl seems rather nervous.

"Erm... Okay..." She mumbles as she sits down. 

"What can I do for you?" she smiles.

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