Good Morning

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It's Monday morning and Joe needs to go into work just to sort something out. He goes to get a shower and let's Niamh sleep for a bit as he knows she's rather tired, He listens out for Matthew while he showers down.

He knows he's due to wake soon as he normally wakes around this time. But he hasn't so Joe goes to check on him and makes sure he's breathing, which he is but he's sleeping longer than usual.

"Sleepy boy this morning eh baby" he says as he puts his dummy back in his mouth.

Niamh stirs and rolls and looks at him "is he okay?" She mutters.

"He's fine, snoring away" Joe laughs.

Niamh smiles and closes her eyes again. "What time are we leaving at?" she mumbles.

"Nine, it's only six babe" he smiles.

" know the way the ring on my finger shows you really really love me?" she says.

"Yes...?" he laughs.

"Could you be a babe and sort Matthew out for me?" she asks.

"At least an hour alone" he says.

"When?" she asks.

"When ever?" He says.

"My dressing room" he smirks.

"I'll call the baby sitter" she giggles.

Joe laughs at her, "just get Ellie to take him for a bit, free of charge I'm sure" he smirks.
She nods and goes to sit up but Joe lies her back down. "Go back to sleep, my sleeping beauty will be grumpy if she doesn't get her beauty sleep" he teases.

Niamh frowns "Joe" she giggles.

Joe smiles and kisses her cheek as she drops off to sleep again. Joe takes Matthew downstairs.

He sleeps for another good half hour, "Hello sleepy" Joe coos.

Matthew gurgles and stretches. Joe smiles as gets the bottle ready, Matthew starts to whimper as he knows Niamh isn't around to feed him.

Joe lifts him up off the floor and feeds him, "Mummy's fast asleep baby" Joe says.

Matthew drinks the bottle rather quickly, "Steady on mr" Joe coos.

"Easy cutiepie" Joe coos.

Joe moves the bottle away for a moment and Matthew tries to eat the air to find his bottle. Joe laughs a little, "what you at rascal?" Joe says as he puts the teat back to his mouth again and Matthew starts to drink the milk again.

He kicks his legs a little and almost downs the milk, "Steady on, you can puke over mummy now" joe smiles as he hears Niamh coming down the stairs.

He finishes off the bottle and sits him up to burp him. Niamh comes into the lounge and through to the kitchen, "Morning" Joe smiles.

"Morning" she replies cheerfully.

"Well aren't you in a good mood today!" he laughs.

"Yep" Niamh smiles as she comes back through with a bowl of cereal. "Hello smiler" Niamh coos as Matthew is smiling away.

"He's just had a bottle of warm milk and drank the lot" Joe says as he continues to cradle him.

Niamh smiles and laughs as Matthew burps rather loudly, He then brings up a bit of milk with Joe quickly wipes away "Oh dear, you drank too fast" Joe laughs.

Matthew smiles at Joe and then starts to whimper for his dummy. Niamh hands Joe his dummy before curling up on the sofa beside him.

"Tired still?" He says.

"A little" she smiles.

Joe kisses Niamh's head as he lies Matthew against his chest. "Well I'm afraid we'll have to leave soon" he says.

Niamh nods "just ten more minutes, then I'll get my shoes on" Niamh mumbles.

"I need to get Matthew sorted" he says.
Niamh cuddles him and then let's him go.

He takes Matthew upstairs to change his nappy and get him changed. Once changed he comes down to Niamh who's ready to go.

Joe straps Matthew into his car seat and puts him in the car while Niamh fixes the changing bag. She puts the changing bag in the front of the car with her and waits for Joe to get in.

He gets in and they head to work, "Not much traffic today" Niamh says as she looks across at Joe. Joe nods, "so what are you filming today?" she asks curiously.

"Something from before We went away" Joe smiles as he puts his free hand on he knee.

"Oh I see" she smiles as she turns around to see if Matthew's okay, in which he is. "He's awake for once" Niamh smiles as she can see him looking around.

Matthew smiles at Niamh once he catches sight of her, Niamh reaches around and puts his dummy back in his mouth. He kicks his legs happily at Niamh, "gosh someone's happy today" Niamh smiles as Joe taps her knee as he need her to get her ID badge out.

She hands it to him and smiles happily. Joe shows their ID badges and they are allowed to go in.

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