Why so many questions

Start from the beginning

"Chloe!" Barbara says.

"It's fine, don't worry, I don't mind her asking" Niamh laughs and Joe laughs too.

"So?" Chloe says as she pours a glass of juice.

"It did to begin with but it just tingles a little" Niamh says.

"Oh right" she says.

"Why do you ask?" Niamh wonders curiously.

"Just curious it looks painful, isn't he like biting you?" Chloe says.

Niamh laughs "he has no teeth Chlo, it just feels like he's gumming me" Niamh laughs.
"It can be sore sometimes when he's really hungry but other than that it's wee buns" Niamh says.

"Like if he's gumming you then how does he drink?" Chloe says.

Niamh bursts into hysterics and everyone looks at Chloe laughing, "what I just don't understand!" Chloe says a little embarressed.

"It's a technical thing you should ask your nephew about" Niamh giggles.

"Oh right" she says.

"If you could just ask mum she is a real life nurse after all" Niamh smiles.

"I thought you would know, that's the only reason I asked" Chloe says.

Niamh laughs and smiles "well all I shall say is Matthew is falling asleep and isn't taking anything" Niamh coos.

Chloe looks at Niamh completly baffled by the process of it all. "Niamh? This is a weird question but did it hurt when you gave birth like way before he came out like?" Chloe says.

"Yes" Niamh says as she gives her a straight answer. Chloe nods and looks down at her phone.

"The birth was a slow process for me though, I wasn't fully dilated at first" Niamh says as Chloe looks a bit shifty now.

Niamh pulls Matthew away and pulls her top down before passing Matthew to Joe, so he can burp him.

"Right sleepy head" Joe says as he sits him on his knee.

"How long exactly where you in labour for?" Chloe questions.

"Chloe why so many questions?" Barbara says.

"It doesn't matter mum she's curious... I was in labour for around 13 hours or so" Niamh says.

Chloe gasps, "wasn't that so sore? I mean the contractions and everything?" she asks.

"It was hell but Joe was with me the whole time which made things a tone better" Niamh smiles says strokes Joe's arm.

"Oh that's good, but doesn't he keep you up a lot at night? And isn't it like hard work? Doesn't he pee on you when you change his nappy?" Chloe asks.

"Wow one question at a time" Niamh laughs. Joe laughs and gets up with Matthew and heads upstairs, "he does keep me up a lot, he is hard work but worth it at the end of the day, he pee's on Joe mainly" Niamh smiles.

"Wasn't it like great not having a period for like 9 months?" Chloe says.

"Chloe!" Barbara says.

"What? I'm only asking" she says.

Niamh laughs "trust me Chloe I had such a heavy period after giving birth to Matthew the pads couldn't hold it and I leaked a few times" Niamh replies and Chloe cringes.

"That's nice" Chloe says cringing.

"Anything else you want to ask?" Niamh says.

"What was it like when Matthew first like cried? Did you feel emotional?" Chloe says.

"Erm...no not really because all babies do it, although I did cry when I first held him" Niamh smiles.

Chloe smiles "do you worry for him?" Chloe says.

"When he's sick, yes" Niamh says.

"When you were fully dilated and you were you know pushing did that hurt? Or did you have pain relief?" Chloe asks.

"I had pain relief but the real pain hurt when his head was crowning, I felt like I was going to split in two" Niamh replies.

"Ouch!" Chloe says.

"Do you breastfeed him all the time?" Chloe asks.

Niamh laughs "okay this is last question or me, Joe and Matthew won't be able to go out today, but half the time, when he's being fussy I do or my breast just casually leaks..." Niamh smiles.

"Wait on more thing Niamh please" Chloe says and Niamh nods.

"What do you mean leak?" she questions.

Niamh smiles happily at her "Because I express milk my breast leaks when I need to express."

"Oh right sorry for all the questions" Chloe says a bit shifty. Niamh smiles and gets up and heads upstairs to get dressed.

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