Chapter 139

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The next day Bruno and Lauren sat in familiar cushy chairs waiting for the doctor to call her name. He sat with his phone moving his head humming something to himself. "I'll be right back. I need to put this no my phone before I forget. Don't leave without me." He said getting up to kiss her on the cheek placing his sunglasses on again making sure no one else saw him.

"Where are you going?" she asked him a bit worried.

"Just to the car. I'll be back in like two minutes." He said running out of the door. As the door closed he started dialing his phone. He tapped his feet still thinking of the melody in his head. "Hey..." he said waiting for someone to pick up the phone. "I told you not to do anything like that, Damaris..." he said in a stern voice.

"Oh, hi." He heard a perky voice answer him.

"We're done, Damaris. I can't do it. It's not safe. And I'm married now. I feel skeezy and gross. And she doesn't deserve it. She never did." He told his friend.

"But Bruno....she doesn't give you what you want. I didn't have any time to get to you. You shouldn't have gotten married. And you know it." She answered, now a little less perky.

"No, Damaris. You didn't want me to get married. I don't have to defend myself to you. And sending those things to Ryan's house and not leaving a name was low. I had no idea they were there. I had to cover my fucking ass. I will be in New York later this week. I don't want to see you there." He said to her in a serious tone.

"It's a big city. The chances we see each other is slim, Bruno." She said matching his seriousness. "I was just trying to be nice. You're a close friend. Your wife is having baby. I figured it would only be the right thing to do." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"We are not friends, Damaris." He said ending the phone call. "Jesus Christ." He sighed going back into the office seeing Lauren still sitting in her chair reading a magazine.

"Did you do what you needed to do, babe?" she asked reaching for his sunglasses to put in her purse.

"Yeah. I got it done." He said not moving a muscle looking up to see the familiar nurse who smiled at them motioning for them to come into the room.

"Ready guys?" she asked.

"Yeah. We're ready." They both said together.

"Oh, and congratulations. Y'all are super cute together. There's no doubt these babies are going to be gorgeous." The nurse said as she stood near Lauren to weigh her. "The one picture I saw, Lauren. You were so perfect." The nurse said with a smile.

"Wait, there's pictures?" Bruno asked.

"Just like two." She answered wrapping a blood pressure cuff around Lauren's arm.

"Where were they?" Laure asked.

"I don't even remember. We had bets y'all would get married while you were there. After you asked if you could travel two weeks ago..." she said writing something down and then pointing to the examining table for Laure to sit down on. "The doctor will be with you two in a few minutes." The nosy nurse said closing the door.

"I don't like her." Lauren said turning her nose up as the door clicked closed.

"I wonder who won the bet." Bruno laughed moving his chair over to her moving his hand to her stomach and pointing to the tv screen on the other side. "See, Mrs. Hernandez...right a rock star and next to baby b is the third female president of the United States who also dethroned Beyonce as the queen of the world. She was the first President to win a Grammy....." he continued to move his hand around moving his hand around telling her all about the babies making her laugh.

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