Chapter 90

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-The next weekend-

Lauren rolled over I the bed knowing exactly where she would find Bruno, not in the bed next to her. She was okay with that. They had started talking more about their schedules and where they were going to be and when they were going to find time for each other. For the most part those times were when she came back from work and when he had time away from the studio. It happened that they were both trying harder and were able to be with each other after he finished rehearsing for his Grammy performance. She sighed as she rolled over in the bed seeing Geronimo's puppy dog eyes staring at her. "Whaaattt...." She moaned getting out of the bed following the dog into the kitchen. "Whaaattt...." She responded in shock seeing their kitchen table overflowing with flowers and her favorite French toast sitting on the table. "Geronimo...what is your dad doing?" she questioned leaning down to smell the flowers digging to find the small card.

I love you. –B

"Awww." She said to the dog watching Gigi walk to up her rubbing against her legs. "I know, I know." She told the dogs sitting down next to the plate. "It's still warm..." she turned to the dogs who looked confused. "What?" she asked them with her mouth full. "It's not like he's here..." she said glancing around the house. "Is he?" she continued to look feeling the dogs eyes on her. "Bruno?" she asked again hearing a small noise near the front door.

"Elle...." She heard his voice come from the front of the house.

"Oh shit!" she jumped halfway off her chair. "It's not fucking Halloween, Bruno..."

"I just wanted to see your reaction." He said kissing her cheek sitting down next to her.

"When do you have to be ready for everything?" she asked him.

"We don't have to be anywhere until like five. We did everything yesterday. Or did your pregnancy brain get to you?" he smiled.

"Shut up!" she joked looking down. "Maybe."

"It's okay...that you didn't remember. We don't have to be on the red carpet until 5:15...." He told her.

"We?" she asked. "I thought you were walking with Ari and Phil." She said suddenly clamming up. "I was just going to do what your sisters and mom did last year....just hang out. I don't want everyone to know me."

"You don't have to...." He said sadly. "But you're going to be gorgeous and everyone is going to be jealous..."

"I did that once. I don't want to do it again. I want you to be the center of attention...." She told him.

"What are you even worrying about? I'm not going to win anything...." He said to her reaching for her food.

"What? Of course you are!" she pushed him a little upset at him.

"She's nominated for like 500 awards, Lauren. She's going to win them all. I just have to wait for the next one." He said to her.

"Okay, whatever, B." she said getting up. "I'm not going to walk the red carpet."

"Wait...." He caught her hand turning her around quickly. "What do I have to do to show you off?" She shook her head feeling his grip lighten instead of tighten the way she expect. "Please?" he asked her looking at her intently but softly not intimidating her. If she said no he would be okay with it, but he felt as though those around them knew about their relationship so why not others? He was private, but there came a point where people needed to know.

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know about us?" she wondered.

"I don't want it to be like it was when I hit Justin....but Lauren, people talk and we need to shut them up. Just show them that we've worked it out and that we are the cutest couple in the world..." he smiled at her. She shrugged her shoulders at his response feeling his hands linger on her face.

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