California Kisses *30

Start from the beginning

Another weird thing was the situation with Chase. Ever since that day that he wanted to talk to me after the er…. Incident at the dance competition, he had been avoiding me too! What was wrong with me did I smell or something? Chase could barely even look me in the eye, and when he did it was only for a second. I really needed to speak to him about that as well.

Alice and Ty were always fighting lately. It was strange because everyone knew they were fighting, but whenever one of our newly formed huge gang would see them, they would act as if nothing was wrong. Some believed it but I knew Alice well enough to tell when she was being off with me and lately that was happening a lot.

So you see? A very muchly confused week I have had and now its just going to get worse. My birthday party.

Since everyone was fighting and I still couldn’t get Josh to talk to me, I hadn’t made any plans. Of course Carrie was having none of it and tried to arrange things but in the end I think my depressed mood just caused her to give up. Who needed an 18th birthday party anyway? I guess I could just make up for it when I’m 21 right? And I did have a pretty good sweet 16…

“Do you agree with that statement Miss Bennett?”

I hope tonight will be okay. Maybe because of the whole atmosphere and celebration I could talk to Josh? The other problems could wait but something in my gut just told me I needed to fix things with him and I needed to do them soon.

“Miss Bennet?”

Throughout this entire class I had just been staring at the back of his head where he was sitting a few rows in front of me. I don’t know why but there was something about the way his tousled blond curls overlapped one another and were disarranged it was so… sexy… it was like they were dancing with each other…

Okay whoaaa! Hold up there. Dancing with each other? Are you serious? Today had clearly been a long day and now Mr Bilge’s physics class was really doing no justice for my brain at all.

“Miss Bennett!”

His eyes were perfect. They were mesmerising. It was as if I was staring into a pair of two of the brightest and most beautiful blue pools. The light blue swirls in them even highlighted how even more incredible they were. They were intoxicating. The way they stared right into mine, it was as if he could see right inside me to my soul; I could feel the butterflies in my stomach… his intense gaze as he watched me…

Hold on, he was watching me.

And I was watching him…

Wait, the whole class was watching me and I was watching him!

They were watching me watch him!

“Oh shit!”

The whole class burst into giggles at my sudden statement; Oh crap I shouldn’t have said that out loud.

“Miss Bennett! Language!” A furious Bilge yelled like a centimeter away from my face absolutely soaking me with saliva.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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