I looked away and the clock on the wall almost made me spit out the delicious coffee in my mouth, "oh my God, we are going to be late!" I exclaimed. Jason looked at the watch on his wrist and merely chuckled, meanwhile I glared at him for laughing at my distress.

"Don't worry damsel, I will relief your distress," he said as he stood up.

The lady saw us leaving and brought the bill to the table. I was reaching into my pocket to take some cash out to pay but Jason had already beaten me to it. 

"Thank you for eating at iHop. Have a lovely day," the waitress stated sweetly. I smiled and was about to answer but Jason also beat me to that.

Honestly, what does he think? that I can't speak for myself or something? it's starting to be aggravating.

"No, thank you for providing this hungry guy with some food," and he cuts me off to say that? what a jerk. I was going to retort when he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the food establishment.

Honestly, being manhandled wasn't my cup of tea. I have soft skin and it bruises easily... Now that just sounds gay, but even if I were to swing that way, that's not an insult.

We reached the sleek black suburban and I got into the passenger seat as Jason took the wheel. I closed my eyes and sighed happily. A full stomach is a happy me, got to thank Jason for that. 

Opening my eyes a minute or so later, maybe even a little more than that, I saw that we were parking outside of the radio station already.

"Seriously Jason? Are the vehicles in front of you just invisible and you go right through them or what? I swear we just got out of iHop. I could've sworn we were at least fifteen minutes away," I ranted in disbelief.

"You talk too much buddy," he chuckled, "shouldn't you be happy that I relieved such damsel of his distress?" he asked as he turned the engine off.

"I am not a damsel and I am not in distress. Quit it," I hissed as I unlocked the door.

Damsel his mother. 

Jason P.O.V

I chuckled as the bipolar guy got out of the suburban and walked towards the building without waiting for me. Look at him, preaching he is not a damsel and acting just like one. Shaking my head, I followed behind him as he walked into the building and I couldn't help where my eyes landed, right on that perfectly rounded ass of his, beautifully displayed in those tight skinny jeans.

Pardon my gay, I can't help who I am.

Justin opened the door and before I could go through, he closed it behind him as he walked inside. I merely shook my head at the damsel and opened it myself before I walked in closely behind. Although I knew my way through the streets pretty well, I didn't know my way through these kind of buildings. As I looked  around, I saw Justin walk through an open door, yet I didn't follow.

Deciding to wait for him here in the reception, I stood on a wall by the receptionist who was on the computer typing away. I inspected her features out of pure boredom, and she wasn't anything special. I sighed and looked over at the door damsel went through.

Should I go in?

No, I don't want people to look at me like I belong in an asylum. I'm good here. I looked over at the receptionist once again to see her already looking at me. I forced a smile and she gave me a wave and a wink. Yikes, reason number trillion why I don't like girls. They are just too desperate, some of them anyways. At least I got to fight for a guy if I really like him, but I guess that also depends on the type of guy.

Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB} ~ Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें