Season 4/Chapter 26: The Pre-Party

Start from the beginning

Clem grabs her ass and she moans a little. Y/n looks at the two. 

Y/n: great as this feels we should probably wait until later. 

Violet: Huh? 

The two look down and unbeknownst to them, she'd be jerking him off without even noticing it. A little bit of precum had starting leaking out the top and Clem leans forward, using her finger to wipe it off. Clementine licks it as Violet lets Y/n's cock go back in his shorts; As she turns to Clem, Clem kisses her with his precum still in her mouth. Their tongues going back while tasting it and soon they separate with Violet being kind of love drunk at the moment. She wipes her mouth a second later. 

Clementine: Oh, just wait 'til later. I promise it'll be worth the wait. Remember, him and his cock is ours now, not just mine. Just like we're his. 

She grabs some water in the room she had, swallowing it all before giving Y/n a kiss now. None left in her mouth. Y/n looks at Violet. 

Y/n: I think you may have teased her a little too much, Clem. I'm not sure she's in her right head right now. 

He goes over to her and grabs her ass, making her moan a little. She grinds her ass against his crotch, not thinking about it but Y/n snaps his fingers. Violet finally snaps out of it, gaining her composure back before grabbing some water to drink. After a chug to even her out, she looks toward Y/n. Before she can say anything, AJ suddenly bursts in the room nearly giving the three a heart attack due to the previous actions just a couple minutes ago. 

AJ: Hey, look!

The three see AJ holding a beach ball that was blown up to its full size. AJ throws a beachball at his guardians, and Y/n catches it. Violet coughs & whispers to the other two, covering her mouth.

Violet: (Coughs) I, uh, we will finish this later-

AJ: Oh, hey Violet. 

Violet looks to AJ. 

Violet: Oh, uh, hey kiddo. 

AJ: Are you going to live with us, now? Y/n and Clem says you might stay in our room from now on and sleep in their bed like how they do. 

Y/n and Clem look at AJ, slightly embarrassed by the question despite everything they'd just done with Violet. 

Violet: Well, how would you feel about it? 

AJ: (Shrugs) I guess it's okay as long as you don't snore super loud. Clem used to in the car. 

Clementine blushes. 

Clementine: I did not. 

Y/n: (Chuckles) She totally did. 

Clementine goes to bonk Y/n's head again, but he catches her hand and pulls her closer to him. Obviously, she's never actually hits him with intention to hurt him, and never actually will, but still. He holds her closer as Violet chuckles, turning back to AJ. 

Violet: If you're cool with it and they are, then sure. Who knows, maybe you can have my old room and sleep in there. You'd be closer to Tenn and Willy who share a room, which is crazier these days.  

AJ smiles at the thought of being closer to his friend. 

AJ: Clem, Y/n, can I sleep in Violet's old room? I wanna be closer to Tenn and Willy. 

They look at him and think about it for a moment. He's five and they've always been so close, hardly ever letting him out of their sight ever since they got him back. But it is just next door, a safe place too. Y/n looks at Clementine and she nods. With their decision now made, Y/n turns to AJ. 

Y/n: You can go stay in Violet's room. 

Clementine: But if you ever want to come lay back in here with us, you can. 

AJ: (Smiles) Okay. 

Y/n, looks at the beach ball that AJ brought inside. 

Y/n: Where'd you find this, by the way? 

AJ: It was in some garbage behind one of the dorms. I had to blow it up, and...and that was pretty gross, but look! It works!

Violet: (laughs) I should get going. Ruby could probably use some help. I'll move my stuff out of my room and into here after the party. 

Violet leaves and Y/n looks at AJ. 

Y/n: And here I thought you were mad at us. 

AJ: Well, I am, but I still wanted to show you. It's cool, right?

Clementine picks up the ball. 

Clementine: Super cool. 

AJ: Back! 

Clementine: Think fast!

She tosses the ball back at AJ, bouncing it off his head but it doesn't hurt as it's a beach volleyball. 

AJ: Yowch!

Y/n: (Laughs) She did say think fast. 

The three briefly toss the ball back and forth. AJ hugs them after.

AJ: I love you, guys. 

He looks at Y/n. 

AJ: And I'm sorry for calling you a dumbhead.

Y/n kneels down and pats his head. 

Y/n: You called me a stupidhead. 

AJ: Oh, right. 

Y/n: But it's okay, I know you didn't mean it. I love you, AJ. We both do. 

Clementine: Okay, we better get ready to go. Sounds like they need us in the music room.

AJ: Okay.

AJ takes his drawing. Clem, Y/n, and AJ leave the room.

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