Season 4/Chapter 5: Kings, Queens, and Apologies

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AJ: Fuck up monsters, yeah!

Mitch and Willy laugh. Clementine goes to scold him, but I stop her by gently squeezing her side to get her attention. I nod toward the boys. They're having fun and like AJ. I don't see why we've got to but in right now. 

Mitch: That little dude said "fuck".

He continues to laugh along with Willie; We soon say our goodbyes to them then walk toward Louis and a guy I've yet to see I believe. He's a larger black kid with a hairstyle similar to Locs. He's the chef of the school I'd assume since he's the one cooking the food. While walking to them, Clementine looks over at me and I can tell she might be displeased with me for earlier. 

Clementine: Y/n, we can't just let him think cursing is okay. We've talked about this. 

Y/n: (Shrug) It's fine, honey. Plus, it's kind of hypocritical that we do it in front of him and stuff. I know you always say "Do as we say, not as we do" but that's kind of hard to follow when we're cursing like sailors. I say as long as it's not a constant, it's fine. Don't worry about it, Clementine.

She narrows her eyes for a second but sighs. 

Clementine: Okay. But if he starts cursing constantly we're saying something. 

Y/n: Okay, okay. 

We make it over to Louis and the other boy. They're currently cooking a stew. I can hear Louis talking and annoying the guy. 

Louis: Mm, yes, redolent of rosemary, lemongrass, and possum meat. Now if you can't find fresh possum in your neck of the woods, squirrel, skunk, or vole can work in a pinch. But there's nothing quite like possum. Every bite tells a story. We'll be right back with more Stew with Lou.

I look at him. 

Y/n: I'd ask what you're doing, but I can see you're torturing this poor guy with your terrible jokes.

Louis: Ha. Ha. No, I'm just giving my well needed touch to the stew. Just because I'm not literally adding an ingredient in by itself doesn't mean I can't make the process better just by being here. By the way, Clem, AJ, Y/n, this is our great Chef, Omar.  

Omar: Please stop.

Louis: I...I can't. I really can't.

Y/n: Nice to meet you, Omar. 

Omar looks at us but he focuses back on the stew. 

Omar: Hello. And, no, it's not ready yet.

Louis: Omar's a perfectionist. The slightest flavor out of place and he's grumpy for a week.

Omar looks back at us. 

Omar: You can eat or you can eat right. All it'll cost you is a little patience.

Y/n: By all means, it looks good. No complaining coming from our direction, Chef Omar. Nice talk, but we've got more things to do. 

I pat his shoulder and Louis looks at us. 

Louis: I'll let you guys know when we're done.

We leave them to cook by the fire and walk over to Violet and Tenn who are by the cemetery. Again, I'm assuming it is as I can see what look like gravestones by their feet. It could also be decoration, I guess. Our trio make our way to them, stopping in front of them before we walk further. 

Clementine: Hey, guys.

AJ looks around at the area. 

AJ: What is this?

Violet: Our graveyard.

I look at them. 

Y/n: Y'all still do that? 

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