Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again

Start from the beginning

They jump past a couple of walkers using the back of a trailer as a launch pad. Y/n speeds up beforehand so they can get enough momentum to carry them both forward and manage not crashing. More walkers start clumping up in front of them as they drive as the crowd gets a bit thicker the further they go. This means there's got to be something up the road by the crowd... 

Clementine: I think we're close by them. 

Y/n: Me, too. Just a little further, than we can save that whiner. 

They continue to drive when suddenly the see smoke rising in the air and up ahead they find that truck having crashed into a poll. Smoke is billowing from the engine and the thing is as surrounded by the dead as something can be. Y/n stops the bike before it can get any closer. Clementine and him look in the truck to find Gabe is still alive, but it seems like David is about to...turn. 

Y/n: Shit. Let's save this asshole before he gets bit by his dad. 

Clementine: Lead the way, firecracker. 

The two hop off the bike and Y/n looks at the crowd of walkers. He stands up and pulls back his fist while aiming away from the truck. 

Y/n: Fire Fist!

Using his flames, Y/n throws a column of flames shaped like his fist into the crowd and burns through the walkers like normal. The huge column either completely burns the walkers or it's force sends a multitude flying off like the were hit by trucks. The flames barely with the truck, but just barely was enough to do the job. Clementine and Y/n run over to the truck where they open up the side passenger door. Gabe falls out and a walker version of David tries to crawl at him, but Y/n closes the door before it could get to him. Gabe looks up and finds that it's them. 

Gabe: Holy shit. That was too close. 

Y/n sighs and holds out his hand to Gabe who takes it. Y/n pulls him off his ass then immediately lets go and Gabe just looks at both him and Clementine. 

Gabe: I... I can't believe you actually came after me. 

Y/n: Don't look into it. We aren't exactly friends, more like acquaintances. We save you because you mean a lot to Javier and Kate. Even if you can be insufferable, and he's our friend which is a reason why we can't let you die. He'd be pretty upset. 

Gabe: Well, thanks either way. I'm not bit, by the way. I almost was though... 

They all look by the window and find David's corpse growling at them. Gabe looks at him with sadness. 

Clementine: What do you want to do about David? 

Gabe: (Sighs) He... He's my dad. I've gotta take care of him. 

They nod and step back with Y/n's door on the handle. Gabe gets ready by pulling out his knife and slowly Y/n opens the door by himself, but slowly. Just enough for Walker David's head to peak a bit through. Gabe says his final goodbyes before killing Walker David then taking his old army tags he kept. Gabe put them in his pocket, but as he walks over to them they realize there won't be enough space on the bike. 

Y/n: (Sighs) Guess we're walking back. 

Back with the others, the bulldozer is being hounded by the dead and it's starting to slow it down. 

Javier: (Sighs) Aw, fuck this!

Javi and Ava change the setting on their rifles and rapidly fire at the walkers.

Kate: They're piling up on the thing! The busket!

They fire at the walkers on the bucket.

Javier: Shit, I'm empty!

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