Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences

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Javier: Just be careful, buddy. Lot of muertos out there.

David: Gabe and I will watch each other's backs.

Clementine: Y/n and I will check out a separate part of the building. Make sure there aren't any loose... well, ends. No open doors or anything that a walker could use to squeeze through. 

Y/n looks at his girlfriend. 

Y/n: Big buildings like this are often pretty good places for walkers to hide. It's best we do a double check. Finally spend some alone time together. 

He puts his arm over her shoulders and gives her a peck on the cheek. The four, David, Gabe, Y/n, and Clementine go downstairs but separate from each other to cover more ground. Clem and Y/n go one direction while Gabe goes with David toward another. As they head down, Kate can't help but watch them with hesitation. Javier comforts her by putting his hand on hers. 

Javier: Hey, Clem and Y/n's down there with them. It's fine.

Kate: It's not that. It's... Let's just... I'm all over the place. I need to focus on something. Anything. Just need to focus. On whatever.

Javier: Let's see if there's any way we can help.

Kate: Do you really think there is? After the damage we've done?

Javier shrugs. 

Javier: Let's find out.

Kate: Let's go. 

While those two head upstairs, downstairs, Y/n and Clem are walking through halls and searching the doors to make sure everything is down. He has his hand wrapped around Clementine's waist and she's leaned against him. They're not talking, but enjoying their company. 

Y/n: Hey. 

Clementine: Hey. 

Y/n: Remember when we talked about going to mexico all those years ago with Kenny. 

Clementine giggles. 

Clementine: A bit after AJ was born? Yeah, I remember. 

Y/n: Would you like to go someday? 

Clem thinks it over for a second before tilting her head. Her bright hazel eyes meeting his own eyes. 

Clementine: Hm, I think it'd be interesting but way too damn hot. Maybe when AJ is older. 

Y/n: (Chuckles) Sounds like a plan. 

They kick in a door and find nothing, just more empty rooms. It seems like the place is rather locked down, which is good by all means. Shutting the door, they go back into the hallway & Clem thinks about what they'll do once they find the others again. AJ and Molly. She's partly worried AJ won't remember her, but she doesn't want to think about it so she just presses on with Y/n by her. 

Clementine: How about when you and I get out of here, we share some more actual alone time? 

Y/n: I guess you've missed the cuddling. 

Clementine: Well, I mean, when it's just us and we're not running around all the time we don't typically have to worry about being shot when we try to relax. But yes, I do. A lot actually. So... 

Y/n rubs her lower back. 

Y/n: Okay. Whenever we're back and able to relax, I'll give you all the attention you want. 

Clementine: Ah. Balanced. As all things should be. 

Up top, with Javier and Kate, they're seeing the consequences of their actions. Several survivors of the walkers invading are sitting on the floor; most of them are wounded or at least shaken up. Kate looks at them, feeling a lot of regret for what she had a part in creating, even by accident. It made her feel bad. 

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