Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited

Start from the beginning

Gabe: They're everywhere!

Tripp: Fuck, they are! Keep sharp!

Jesus: Watch out!

A walker appears behind Javi and he kills it with his flashlight. Another pops out of another direction and shambles toward the group from a blind spot, but Y/n catches him and ducks under the walker's hand before palming it in the stomach and unleashing a torrent of flames which sends it flying into more walkers, knocking them back. Afterward, he turns his back to normal. 

Y/n: Shit guys, I don't like the look of this

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Y/n: Shit guys, I don't like the look of this. 

One tries to grab him from another direction, but Clementine runs over and kicks its knee in before crushing it's head underneath her boots. Suddenly, Gabe can be heard yelling for help from Javier as he's getting surrounded by the dead. 

Gabe: Javi, help!

Javier kills one of the walkers near Gabe, but another walker grabs Gabe; Jesus who's nearby does a wall run & kicks one walker in the head, then throws the other off Gabe. He follows up with a stomp to its chest. He turns to Javier. 

Jesus: Take him out!

Javier stabs the walker.

Javier: Thanks, I-

Javier gets cut off by Conrad shooting at the approaching herd, making a whole bunch of noise that echoes throughout the entire tunnel. More than likely bringing more walkers toward their direction. Y/n groans. 

Y/n: This fucking idiot. 

Conrad: These fuckers are everywhere!

Tripp: Christ almighty, Conrad, now every walker in the fucking county is gonna be heading this way!

Javier: C'mon, follow me!

Javier and the group run through the tunnel, firing at walkers. They discover that a train is blocking their path much to their dismay. 

Tripp: What the fuck?!

Jesus: No one ever mentioned a train in the way...

Y/n: Well gee, ever think to ask? It's a fucking train tunnel. 

Conrad looks back at the approaching walkers coming towards them in large groups. 

Conrad: We better find a way around it or we're fucking dinner.

Javier: Maybe we can just go through?

Y/n: You mean through the walkers? I mean I could probably force our way through them, but it'd take a minute and we'd be heading in the opposite direction of the ladies. 

Javier: I mean through the train. 

Tripp, shooting at walkers, looks back at Javier. 

Tripp: Well, does it open?

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