Season 2/Chapter 54: The Last Good Night

Start from the beginning

Molly: Bonnie's the one who brought it up. 

Bonnie: Sorry. 

Feeling a little offended, the kids speak back to the adults in the conversation. 

Y/n: Hey, we know what you're talking about. 

Carley, who was drinking water at the time, spits it out and Molly starts laughing. 

Bonnie: (Chuckles) I certainly hope not. 

Y/n: We totally do. Tell'em, Clem. 

Clementine: You're talking about kissing stuff.

Y/n: Yeah. And we kiss all the time. Even cuddle, too. 

Luke looks at the others and Carley sighs in relief. Her kids may be killers, but at least they're still kind of innocent. 

Luke: Uh, yeah! Yes. Yes, that... that is exactly it.

Molly looks at Luke. 

Molly: Was there any kissing?

Carley smacks her arm. 

Carley: Hush! All of you. 

Bonnie stares at the fire for a moment, but then her head turns to the left where Luke is sitting. 

Bonnie: Maybe she came back for you...

Mike: Could be. 

Luke: I don't know what to say to that.

Y/n leans back a little and takes off his hat, placing it on top of his guitar. He thinks about it for a few seconds and there is a possibility she might have came back for him, but at the same time it is kind of a slim one. 

Y/n: My best guess is that she could like him somewhat. 

Clementine: I don't know. I think that could be the case. 

Mike: Oh, I think we could bet on that. 'Cause you see here, Luke's a regular Casanova...

Molly: Oh my god...

Carley rolls her eyes and Molly stifles a laugh. Luke tries to get him to stop, but he continues. 

Luke: Hey, shut up.

Mike: Don't be modest. Your moves are working on all the ladies.

Clementine hears Mike and scrunches her face at the thought. Over the short time she's known Luke, she's come to think of him like an older brother. And the thought of anything different is... nasty. To say the least. 

Clementine: Gross. 

Molly/Carley: Agreed. 

Mike: C'mon, Molly, Carley, you've gotta admit Luke is pretty smooth. His moves have gotta at least worked a little. 

Bonnie: Worked on me.

Bonnie takes a drink from the bottle of liquor.

Bonnie: Shit. I just did it too, didn't I? Sorry... it's the drink talking.  

Carley: Might be more than the drink. 

Mike: Yeah, I mean they say a drunk man's talk is a sober man's thoughts.

Bonnie shakes her head with a slight drunk grin on her face. 

Bonnie: Well, I ain't a man, so "they" can take that shit somewhere else. Kids, go see if you can get Jane and Kenny over by the fire. It's too cold for them to be out there like that. Oh, and here,  maybe a swig of this will change their minds.

She hands Y/n the bottle of alcohol and they both stand up. Y/n grabs his hat and places it back on his head before walking off with Clementine; as they walk, Y/n sees a power box and thinks back to TV. All the cartoons he and Clem would watch together when they were little kids. It's... strange. 

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