Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Holy shit. Kenny duck!

Kenny does like I said and I form a spear made out of fire and throw it through the walker's eye; the tip of the flame spear goes through and sticks out the back of the walker's head. Not even a second longer, the walker...or I guess sprinter, hits the ground as more walkers keep coming at us. Another fast one pops up from my left, but Kenny slams my baseball bat into the side of it's head before finishing it off from the ground. 

Y/n: Shit, Kenny we've gotta go! 

Kenny: Fuck!

He and I leave the site and start running after the others, but as we're almost on them I see a walker having snuck up on Clem. It goes to reach for her but I quickly pop it in the back of the head with flame bullet. The walker falls to its side and the noise gets Clem's attention. As she turns around, she sees the walker and looks at me. 

Clementine: Thanks for the save. 

Y/n: Just repaying the favor, Clem. 

She hugs me and then looks at Kenny. 

Clementine: I'm glad you're okay. 

Kenny nods, but more walkers come and he looks at us. 

Kenny: Get up to the deck, now!

Clementine and I run to the front of the group and I signal the others to hang back with Rebecca just in case some walkers somehow climbed the stairs and got up here. I look around, but I can't find Jane or Luke. We hear speaking. 

Luke: That's about as human as I've felt in a long time. I almost forgot what-

As we turn the corner, Clem and I find Jane with Luke on the ground with their arms around one another. Just as soon as we spot them, they spot us and we can't believe what we're seeing now.

Y/n: Jesus Christ...

Luke: Clementine! Y/n! Jesus, guys. It's not... um. We were just...

Clementine: What's going on? 

Luke tries to speak, but I stop him. I know what they were doing. 

Y/n: They were playing hide the salami. 

Soon the others join us up top and Mike sets the water down on the deck as Molly and Carley help Rebecca up while Kenny and Bonnie fought back walkers. As they make it up, Molly and Carley try to get Rebecca situated. Sarah just stands by the corner as she hyperventilates, but I'm too busy to worry about her at the moment. 

Carley: C'mon, Rebecca. 

Molly: Over here. 

Kenny comes over to us and sees Luke. His face immediately turns sour as he looks at them annoyed. 

Kenny: What the fuck are you two doing up here?

Luke: Kenny! What's going on?

Kenny: We've got God-knows-how-many walkers out there, which you were supposed to be keeping an eye out for.

I look back and Mike closes the other shutter door. He and Sarah join the rest of the group, but she's still hyperventilating. Clem and I hear the sound of the walker's getting closer since their groans are getting louder. 

Y/n: Shit, this doesn't look good. 

Luke stands up and looks at Kenny. 

Luke: Hey, hold on a second... Just tell me what's going on!

Kenny gets in his face. 

Kenny: What's going on is you're a reckless fucking moron.

Luke: I'm reckless?! You know, you got a lotta nerve, Kenny!

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