Season 2/Chapter 26: What Can You Do?

Start from the beginning

She nods and they turn to Carver. 

Carver: Anyway, back to what I was saying. There are some folks might be sore about what happened... at how things went. Well, that's all in the past now. Some of you are new to our community. 

He looks at Kenny, Sarita, Clem, Y/n, Molly, and Carley as technically Molly and Carley have only been there a week so are still new. 

Carver: Some of you are members who went astray. But know that you can find redemption here, forgiveness, by proving your worth through what will undoubtedly be hard work. Reggie, you're nearly back in. Keep following the path, and we'll welcome you back with open arms.

As Carver speaks Sarah looks at Y/n and talks to him, causing Carver to glare at her for a moment before he continues talking. 

Sarah: I'm glad you're back. 

Y/n: Me, too, Sarah. But pay attention, alright? We'll talk later. 

Sarah: Okay, yeah. Sounds good.

Y/n turns back to face Carver to avoid any misgivings, listening to him speak. However, Sarah doesn't stop. 

Carver: Kenneth will be taking over Reggie's duties outside the wall. Michael will continue on showing his value.

Sarah: I just thought it was nice to finally-

Finally having enough, Carver stops and calls out to Carlos. 

Carver: Carlos! 

Everyone stops and stares at Carver. Carlos speaks up, but the sound of trembling in his voice is easily heard. 

Carlos: Yes? 

Carver: Your child seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: I'm sorry, I... Sarah, apologize to Mr. Carver.

Sarah, scared, looks down as she starts to hold her hands closer to herself. 

Sarah: I'm... sorry, sir.

Carver: No, no. That ain't gonna cut it. I can't have this kind of behavior on day one of your reform. You discipline her now, Carlos.

Y/n: (Mind) Shit, this isn't good. 

Carlos looks at Carver, nervous. 

Carlos: How do you propose that I-

Carver: One good smack across the mouth should do it. It'll make her think twice before opening it up again. Go on, we'll wait.

Carlos: My... I'm not sure with my hand that I could-

Carver stops him. 

Carver: Well, that's why god gave you two, Carlos. Come on. And not some namby-pamby thing, alright? A good hard smack. Otherwise, Madison here will do it for ya. I don't think you want that. She can be... overzealous. Is that the word?

He looks back at Madison and she smiles. 

Madison: If it means I'll smack the shit out of her, then yes. Please, Carlos, let me do it. 

Clementine goes to say something, but Y/n slightly squeezes her hand and looks at her. He shakes his head at her, knowing that what's about to happen is unavoidable. And honestly, this... well this is probably the lightest thing that would happen. 

Carver: Go on, Carlos. Just get it over with.

Carlos walks over to Sarah and looks at her, not wanting to do what he's been told to, but there's no other choice. Either he smacks her or Madison will, and one is a lot worse than the other. Also there's a chance that if he doesn't it could go a lot worse for her. Whether he likes it or not, this is the safest option. 

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