Season 2/Chapter 16: Dinner Table Arguments

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Clementine: That's good. I'm glad Kenny is still, well, Kenny. 

Suddenly, we all hear the voice of Walter calling over to us. 

Walter: Well, everyone, dinner is served. C'mon, let's eat!

I move from behind Clem and grab her hand as we walk over to the dining area with the others. Everyone is sat at two tables, one is filled with the cabin group while the other has the group of Kenny's people. I feel Clementine lightly squeeze my hand, so I look at her and she nods toward the tables. 

Clementine: Which one do you want to go to? 

I look at the two tables and Luke waves to us, but Kenny calls us over. 

Kenny: Right here, you two!

I look at Clem. 

Y/n: Want to sit with Kenny? It's been awhile since we've seen him. 

Clementine: (Nods) Sure. 

We walk over to the table with Kenny, Sarita, Walter and sit down across from them. Walter slides us a bowl of that stuff he was making earlier, each. I look down at the contents of the bowls and they're still not very appetizing, but it's better than nothing, especially after this week. 

Y/n: Thanks, Walter. 

Clementine: Yeah, thanks. 

When we start to eat, Kenny looks at us and asks a question about Luke. 

Kenny: So, Clem, Y/n, we were just talking. What's the deal with the kid? What's his name, Luke? He in charge? You two trust him?

We look up from our food, but Sarita looks at Kenny. 

Sarita: Kenny, please.

Kenny: Sarita, we don't know these folks.

Sarita: They seem nice. 

Kenny: Yeah, well, gators seem nice too, 'til they bite your damn arm off.

Sarita: Kenny! 

I think about it a moment and look at Kenny, lifting up my hat a little so it doesn't cover up my face. 

Y/n: To be honest, I'm not sure how Clem feels about them, but I think they're alright. While I'm not sure if I fully trust them yet... I don't think they're really harmful. But they're definitely in the paranoid camp. 

Kenny: Paranoid? 

Y/n: Yeah. When we first met Nick, he almost shot Clem in the face. 

Kenny: The fuck? 

Sarita looks at Kenny and lightly taps his shoulder. 

Sarita: Kenny!

Y/n: However, I think Luke is an alright guy. He's done alright by us, for the most part. 

Kenny: And Clem? 

Clementine: I don't know yet. We haven't been with them long.

Kenny nods. 

Kenny: Takes a while before you know a man for real.

Sarita chuckles. 

Sarita: That's true. I'm still learning about Kenny.

Kenny: Not the snoring again.

Sarita looks across to us. 

Sarita: It's like sawing logs. Redwoods. 

Clementine and I laugh a little, and I whisper over to Sarita. 

Y/n: Y'know Clem snores sometimes, too. 

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