Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths

Start from the beginning

Clementine: Just thinking about it makes me mad. I swear if she touches you again, I'm going to kill her. 

I kiss Clem on the forehead. 

Y/n: Thanks for the concern, but hopefully we won't have to meet her again. 

Clementine: (Sigh) I hope not. 

I look back to the others and they all seem scared, but more so now than before. Especially Rebecca. I'm guessing that she and Carver might have some history, even more so than the others. And looking at the anger on Alvin's face... I'm guessing it might have something to do with some not so nice things. 

Rebecca: George and Madison? 

Clementine: That's what she said. 

Y/n: Yeah, and the man didn't say anything. So I'm guessing... That's their names. 

Carlos: Look, kids, just...tell us what they looked like. What were they wearing? Did the man sound...different? How old were they?

I think back on it for a moment, trying to pin down their ages. 

Y/n: Well the man seemed to be older guy, while his daughter seemed to be in her early twenties.

Alvin: How old would you guess for them? Just off the top of your head. 

I think about it for a second. 

Y/n: I think the man was maybe in his mid to late forties. And the girl seemed to be around twenty two like our friend Molly. I'd say that's probably the most accurate way to describe their...look, per say. 

Clementine: And the man's voice was gravelly. 

Carlos: Like how? 

Clementine: I don't know. Kind of deep and scratchy.

Y/n: He sounded like an old sheriff in western movies. Not to mention his mustache that made him look like cop from the eighties. 

Sarah looks up at Carlos. 

Sarah: He talked about you, Dad. You're not going to hurt anyone, are you?

Luke looks at her and tries to calm her down. 

Luke: Of course he won't, Sarah, alright? Your dad's the nicest man I know, which is why he's not gonna do anything crazy or...not nice. Right?

Carlos kneels down in front of Sarah and puts his hands on her shoulders. 

Carlos: You know these are bad people, sweetie. They will do or say anything to hurt us.

Carlos stands back up and Luke asks us again about them. 

Luke: Alright, what do you think? Did it seem like they'd be coming back?

However, before I can answer him Sarah tells Carlos about them seeing her picture that we had taken earlier. Now that I'm looking back on it, it was a stupid thing to do. But we didn't have the information we have now, so we can't exactly be blamed for our previous actions. Sarah hands a photo to Carlos. 

Sarah: He saw a picture of me.

Carlos: A picture?! What were you doing taking pictures?!

He takes the picture from her hands as he yells, and Luke tries calming him down.

Luke: Carlos. 

Carlos: What?!

Luke: You need to calm down, alright? You're scaring your daughter. 

Clementine looks at Carlos. 

Clementine: We took the picture. 

Sarah: No. I asked her to. It's my fault.

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