Chapter 52: No Time Left

Start from the beginning

Kenny: We're about to have a lot less! 

Kenny looks at Lee. 

Kenny: We'll all make sure nothing gets in. You're still the smartest fucker outta all of us. Try to find another way out of here.

Carley: I'll stay with Lee, make sure he's alright. 

Kenny: Fine, but hurry! 

While Carley and Lee start to look for a way out, all of us run over to the door as fast as we can. A small horde of walkers have made it inside the sewers and some are heading through the hole in the wall. 

Molly: Let's keep these dead jerks away from Mr.Bit back there. 

Kenny: Yeah, that was the plan the whole time!

Molly takes out Hilda, Kenny takes out his gun as do Omid and Christa. I raise my baseball bat and while gripping it, I set the rest of the bat on fire. Molly looks at me, as do the others, and I look back at them. 

Y/n: Me and Molly can handle these guys. But while we're in close, you guys have gotta cover us. And also try to find something to barricade the door with, because there could be more and we might get tired sooner than later. 

Christa: Alright, be careful. 

I nod and look at Molly. 

Y/n: You ready, Molly? 

Molly: Please, I was born ready for this. Badass bat by the way. 

Y/n: Don't get too close, I want to avoid burning you. 

She nods and we both run into the back room behind the morgue as the first few walkers start coming in. Two go for Molly, but she kicks the first into the other and knocks them both over a box. Afterwards, she brings down hilda into their skulls while I raise my flaming baseball bat & swing it through the knee of the walker coming at me. 

As it falls, Molly walks over and steps on it's chest while I bring my bat down through its face. The flames light the skin on its face up while I go through it like a hot knife through butter, well, a hot bat through a walker's face. 

Molly: Keep it up, Y/n. Let's take these walkers to pound town-

Before she can finish, a walker reaches through the hole in the wall and grabs her arm. However, she pulls it through and while she does, she looks at me. 

Molly: Coming your way!

She tosses it towards me and without missing a beat, I swing through its head, but no blood splatters thanks to the flames on my bat instantly burning it away. We both look through the hole and more are coming, a lot more. So instead of fighting two vs all of them, I decide to go with a new change of plans. 

Y/n: Molly, go back into the morgue and shut the door behind you. 

Molly: What? 

Y/n: I'm gonna launch one hell of a fireball and I don't want you getting caught up in it, so shut the door. I'll knock on it when I'm done, trust me. 

She pauses for a moment, but more walkers are coming, so instead of asking... I push her into the morgue while shutting the door and yelling to Kenny from the other side of the closed door. 

Y/n: Kenny, don't open this door until I say so!

Kenny, from the other side, yells back. 

Kenny: Fine!

I run up to the hole in the wall and notice all of the walkers coming towards the hole in the wall. They're walking up the middle of the sewer, and there are a lot more than I saw earlier, but luck has me in it's sights as they're all piled on top of each other. So I ignite my hand up in flames as I watch the walkers come towards me. 

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