Chapter 51: Don't Stop

Start from the beginning

Christa: So that's settled then. We'll look for Clementine together.

Omid: Hell yeah. What're we waiting for?

I smile at Omid and Christa, even though we haven't known them long they're still willing to help us out. Same goes for Molly. Lee and Carley give them a thankful smile like me, and then thanks them. 

Lee: Thanks, you guys. I appreciate it. Really.

We all look at Kenny next and he walks up to Lee, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

Kenny: You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me.

Y/n: Thank you, Kenny. 

Kenny: Of course. Can't let your gal be out there by herself, can we? 

Y/n: No. Once I find whoever took her, Vernon or not... 

I grip my fist. 

Y/n: I'm gonna roast them where they stand. 

Kenny nods. 

Kenny: I'd do the same too. 

Lee looks at us. 

Lee: Okay, guys. We should go find Vernon. See if he took her. Let's head out.

Kenny: What about the boat? We're just gonna leave it unguarded?

Christa: If someone was gonna take it, they'd have done it already. Besides, what choice do we have?

Carley: Christa's right. The boat isn't the most important thing right now. Let's go. 

We all nod and head off, leaving the house and boat unguarded. Even though it's not sitting well with me, I'm not going to let Clementine be out there alone. She needs me now more than she's ever needed me before, and I won't stop until I find her. Whoever took her better hope she's fine.


After leaving the house and boat, we made our way into the sewers where Lee and I had found Chuck's body and the morgue where the old people were staying. As we get closer to the old morgue, I see the sign and remember when Lee tried to parkour off of it. I pointed it out to Molly.

Y/n: Hey, Molly, look. 

Molly: Huh? 

I point to the sign and chuckle. 

Y/n: When we were trapped in the sewers, Lee tried to do what you did, but... He fell. 

Molly: (Grins) Sounds like something that would happen. Hilda can be hard to master. 

At the back of the group, Molly and I are standing while looking around. I feel her put her hand on my shoulder and I look at her, curious if she needs anything. But as I look at her face, I see a concerned look on it. 

Y/n: What's up? 

Molly: (Sigh) Do you want to talk about, y'know, Lee's situation? With the whole bite-

Y/n: Not really. I just want to find Clementine, and that's what I'm going to do. 

Molly: Fine, fine. But if you want to talk about it, I'm here. 

I nod as Lee moves the sign that's resting in front of the hole in the wall that leads into the backroom of the morgue. Lee and Carley pull out their guns, Molly takes out Hilda, Kenny, Christa, Omid, and I also get ready. I raise my bat and Lee opens the door, but the room is... empty. 

Carley: What the hell? 

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Carley: What the hell? 

Lee: Where the hell are they? 

Y/n: I'm not sure, but it doesn't look like they're here... 

Kenny walks in with us. 

Kenny: Looks like they got out of here in a hurry.

Molly: No shit. This place is a wreck. 

Lee: Vernon, get out here! There doesn't have to be any trouble here, all I want is the girl! Give her back and nobody needs to get hurt!

Suddenly, I notice Lee lean on one of the beds, his head in his hands. Carley and I walk over to him. 

Carley: Lee, are you okay? 

Y/n: You're not looking so good, Lee. 

Lee: I-I'm fine. I just-

Before Lee can finish, I hear the sound of walkers outside and look up at one of the windows, finding them walking past the window. There's got to be hundreds outside. Out of nowhere, I hear the radio crackle and Clem's voice!

Clementine: (Radio) Y/n? Lee? 

I quickly grab the radio from his belt and respond. 

Y/n: Clem! Are you okay? Where are you? 

I don't get a response for a moment and Lee takes the radio. 

Lee: Vernon, you son of a bitch!

We hear a response come from the radio, but it's not Clem's voice. It's someone I've never heard before. 

Stranger: (Radio) Hello

Kenny: Motherfucker. 

Molly: Shit, that doesn't sound like the old guy. 

Lee: Who is this?

Stranger: (Radio) It's not Vernon if that's what you're thinking. And you should really watch your tone. Clementine's fine. But if I were you, I'd choose my next words very carefully...

We all stare at the radio, not knowing what to say... All I can keep telling myself, until I get Clem back, is "Don't Stop."

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