Chapter 33: A Part of The Group?

Start from the beginning

Omid: I know how you feel. 

Christa: And everybody down there, they're cool?

I look off the overpass again, looking down at Chuck, Kenny, and Ben. 

Y/n: We just met Chuck, but he's cool. 

Christa: You've always got to worry about meeting new people. 

I laugh a little and look at her, thinking back to the dairy. 

Y/n: Dude, you've got no idea. 

Lee walks over to me and nods to Kenny who's down by the train still. 

Lee: Kenny lost his wife and kid.

I see Omid's face change just slightly. 

Omid: Man. How long ago?

Carley: What time is it?

Omid: I don't know. Uh, four?

Lee: Maybe two hours ago.

Christa: Goddamn.

Y/n: Yeah, hasn't been easy. 

I jump up on the ledge of the overpass, sitting down on it while I keep my baseball bat in my hand. My guitar hanging from my back. Omid looks at us with Christa, seemingly a little sad. 

Omid: We're sorry for anything that's happened to you guys. That train is awesome, though.

Christa: That tank is your real problem. We'll help you with it, but if we see anything we don't like, we're moving on down the road. Alone.

Lee: We'd appreciate the help.

Omid: You can't just blast through it, I guess.

Christa: If you could get it down, the rest would probably be pretty easy.

Lee: We'll start there.

Christa: We'll come down and settle in and see if we can help.

Carley: Alright, but before we go down there we should look around up here before we leave. Could be some useful stuff up here. Wouldn't be a good to miss it. 

As Lee and Carley start to look around up top, in the truck behind us, I hop off the ledge and get next to Clementine. We look off the overpass together as we wait for the others to be done with the search. She looks at me with a smile. 

Clementine: What do you think about Christa and Omid? 

Y/n: I think they're cool, so far. Omid always sounds excited, but Christa seems quiet. 

Clementine: Yeah, she sounds serious. 

I laugh. 

Y/n: They kind of remind me of us. 

Clem smiles. 

Clementine: How? 

Y/n: Well, I'm the funny one. And you're more serious. 

Clementine: Pfft. Nuh, uh. I'm the funny one. 

I shake my head. 

Y/n: Nope, sorry, it's definitely me. 

Clementine: (Smirks) Well...I bet I'm faster than you. 

Y/n: Tag, you're it. Try and catch me!

She starts to chase me around the overpass, but I run around Carley to avoid her. Running in a circle, until I trip over a piece of the ground and fall. Before I can get up, Clementine walks over and touches my back. 

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