Chapter 27: Someone New

Start from the beginning

I remember listening to this song before, a long time ago. It was something my dad would listen to every once and awhile. I tap my foot to add to the music and even though Duck still feels sick, I think I'm at least helping him ignore it for a second. 

Y/n: ♪We're the best of friends♪ Insisting that the world keep turning our way♪ And our way♪ Is on the road again♪ I just can't wait to get on the road again♪ The life I love is makin' music with my friends♪ And I can't wait to get on the road again♪

I slowly come to a stop as I finish the song, and I put my guitar down. Putting the pick up as well. Katjaa and Kenny seemed a little less sad than they were before, though Duck of course doesn't seem any different. 

Clementine: That was great, Y/n! I forget sometimes how much I like hearing you sing. 

Y/n: Thanks, Clem. 

I look at Kenny and Katjaa, but Katjaa seems to be tearing up a little bit. 

Y/n: Katjaa, are you okay? 

Katjaa: Yes, I'm alright. The song just brought up some memories. It was lovely. 

Y/n: Well I'm glad I could be a little more helpful. Even if just barely. 

Suddenly I hear footsteps and turn to find Lee walking over to the rest of us with Carley by his side. He waves to us before walking over to Kenny. I notice him pull a paper out of his pocket that he unfolds, handing it to Kenny. Clementine and I start to listen to the two talk as we're a little curious. 

Lee: We found this in the boxcar. 

Kenny's face changes again, looking happier than he did before. 

Kenny: Whoa, is this what it looks like? 

Lee: I think so. 

Kenny: These tracks lead right to Savannah. Holy hell... can you guys see about moving that thing. We could have something here. 

He hands the paper back to Lee and I get a glimpse of it, seeing that it's a map. It looks like it shows where the train goes. 

Lee: Yeah, we're on it. 

Before Lee leaves, he and Carley kneel down in front of us. 

Lee: Hey, kids. You guys doing alright out here? 

Y/n: Yeah, for the most part. 

Clementine: Y/n played a song for Duck. 

Carley smiles. 

Carley: Must've been good. Sad I missed it. 

I look at Carley and pat her shoulder. 

Y/n: Don't worry, I can play you a song later. 

Carley: Sounds like a deal. 

Clementine looks at Lee. 

Clementine: We also found some animal crackers and we gave them to Duck. 

Lee: That's nice, Sweet Pea. You stayed by Y/n, right? 

Clementine: Yes. 

Lee: Alright. 

The two stand up and they wave at us before starting to walk away, but Lee quickly goes into the RV for a second before coming back out. I watch him go back onto the train with Carley and Ben, going to the front. Some time passes and suddenly, we hear a quick "Fwoosh" noise. Clem and I turn around as Kenny stands up. 

Y/n: Whoa, so the train does work! 

I see Kenny quickly run over to the small ladder than leads onto the train and he climbs up, going up to the front where I can see the others are. I can't hear what they're saying, but it shouldn't be anything negative now. 

Clementine: I can't believe it still works!

Y/n: I know, right? Maybe things are starting to turn around for us. Well, just a little. 

After a second, Lee walks back outside and I see him open up a panel on the train. He does something and the train suddenly turns on fully. I watch as Kenny walks outside and talks with Lee for a moment before going back in. The train slightly lurches ahead, but suddenly stops out of nowhere. 

Y/n: What's going on now? 

Clementine I think the train is stuck. 

Y/n: I guess that means we have to go get it unstuck then. Then we can take the train and it'll be our new ride. 

Clementine: That would be a lot safer than the RV, I think. 

Lee walks back out and climbs down before going back into the boxcar with Carley, the ladder of the two holding some kind of wrench. Suddenly however, I hear the sound of footsteps. I quickly turn around and find some old guy walking toward us, so without thinking I step in front of Clem and Katjaa while picking up my baseball bat. Getting a better look now, I can tell that the old guy looks sort of like a hobo. 

Y/n: Hey you, stay back!

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Y/n: Hey you, stay back!

The old man looks at me. 

Old Man: It's alright there, kid. I'm not trying to hurt you or your friends here. 

He turns his head and nods to the train. 

Old Man: This here is my home. Well, it has been for the last couple of months. 

I look at the old man, confused, but letting him speak. Suddenly, I notice Ben come down from the top of the train and look at the old man. Though he doesn't do anything, just stays staring at him. I shake my head. 

Y/n: Firstly, I don't even know who you are dude. Secondly, I don't like that you're over here just walking around. How am I supposed to trust you when I don't even know your name? 

The old man grins at me, raising a hand. 

Old Man: I'm Chuck. 

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