Chapter 161- Written by A

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"Eat up guys, your mother worked hard to catch this for all of us," Rodan told his kids. Garra and Zhao had started a food fight, throwing chunks of whale meat at each other. Taloni just stayed by her mother, trying to stay away from the conflict. Luckily, it ended as quickly as it began. Now both baby birds were covered in whale guts. Taron and Rodan sighed in unison.

"So, did anything interesting happen today?" Taron asked, taking another bite. Looking up from where she was eating, Garra chirped, "Not much." A look of confusion on his face, Zhao murmured, "I thought we had a visit from dinner..." Peering over the edge of the nest, Taloni whimpered, "Scary dinner is back... and it brought friends..."

"Honey, what are they talking about?" Taron questioned, confused. She looked up to see an angry look on Rodan's face. "I warned him..." he growled. The Fire Demon got up. "Keep the kids in the nest," he called over his shoulder. Worried and confused, Taron glanced over at the ocean. Seeing the spikes coming towards them, she knew right then that it was Godzilla.

Swimming quietly, Godzilla resurfaced. Not even a second afterwards, he heard an ear splitting shriek. "Do I have to speak your language to get something through that thick skull of yours?!" Rodan screeched, the flames on his wings glowing bright. The King of the Skies was on the edge of his island, glaring at the King of the Monsters. At that moment, Harp and Ghidorah arrived.

"I think we came at a bad time," Ni remarked, noticing the standoff between Godzilla and Rodan. San hid behind Ichi's neck. Holding little Halcyon in her paws, Harp sighed as she murmured, "No, just a bit of tension between two knuckleheads." Perched on the volcano's crater, Taron looked at everyone as she demanded, "Someone better tell me what's going on right now!"

"Uh, long story short, the fat lizard here lost Mothra," Rodan answered, looking over at his mate. Hearing what he just called him, Godzilla quietly glanced down at his stomach. Turning to Ghidorah, he asked, "Am I really that fat?"

"Uh..." all three heads muttered.

"Look, Ghidorah and I are gonna help him so do you think you two can look after Halcyon?" Harp asked, holding up her son. The cute little thing wagged his tail happily. Smiling softly, Taron nodded her head and purred, "Of course I'll look after him. Anything for my best friend." Sighing in relief, Harp gently placed Halcyon next to the phoenix. Nuzzling her son, she murmured, "You be good to Auntie Taron, okay sweetie? I don't care what you do to your uncle."

"Hey!" Rodan shouted.

"You know, you can still come along-" Godzilla started to say. Whipping his head back around to face the King of the Monsters, Rodan hissed angrily, "Screw you." Without another word, the massive prehistoric reptile flew up to where his family was. Watching the whole thing go down, Ghidorah murmured in unison, "Dang..."

"Come on boys," Harp declared, "Let's go find Mothra."

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