Chapter 13- Written by A

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Far away on an isolated island designated for the Titans, there was a serious meeting being held in a giant cave. That very meeting now lay in ruins. There was a lot of shouting going on. And it went something like this...

"We need to do something!"

"It's the end of the world!"

"I want my mommy!"

"Shut up Gigan!"

"That's it! I'm done!"

"Can we go home now?"

"I'm really freaking out right now!"

"Seriously, let's all go home-"

"Kong, you can go shove your face into a pile of-"


"I'm gonna pack my things!"

"We're goners!"

"What are we gonna do?!"

"Goodbye cruel world..."

"This is a bunch of bull-"

"Silence!" Godzilla roared. Everyone immediately shut their mouths and looked up at their king. He stood tall over all of them. His beloved queen Mothra was sprawled out on the top of his flat head, eating a tree branch. Getting everyone's attention, except for one bored Kong, the overgrown lizard declared, "I know this is all overwhelming and I hoped this wouldn't have happened this soon. But it has! We must all be ready for war when it comes."

Everyone started shouting again.

Perched on a rock ledge high above the other Titans, Taron shuddered quietly. She was frightened. She didn't want a war. But it appeared one might soon come. If that happened, it could really be the end of the world as they know it. And all because Ghidorah was fully recovered and ready for action.

Whimpering, Taron looked at Harp.

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