Chapter 153- Written by A

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"Mothra, I'll be back. I need to hunt," Godzilla called over his shoulder. The little larva trilled in reply, "Okay! Be safe out there and come back soon!" Briefly nodding his head to his Queen, the King of the Monsters entered the ocean. He was now on the hunt for some food.

Relaxing on the sandy beach while her King left for the hunt, Mothra sighed softly. She loved being outside in the warm sunlight and fresh air. The larva crawled across the sand as she went to play with the water. She giggled happily when the waves splashed her face.

She had yet to realize the danger that was coming...

Down deep below the surface, Godzilla found the perfect meal. A sperm whale. And it was a big one too. The overgrown lizard was about to go in for the kill when he got a huge spike in his connection to Mothra. She was distressed and in trouble. Panicking, Godzilla abandoned the hunt and swam back to the island. However, he was too late.

Mothra had been taken by humans.

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