Chapter 122- Written by K

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It didn't take long after the main attack for the metal birds to start flying in from every direction. Harp let them form their strange v-shaped formations before she took flight with a battle cry.

With only a few pumps of her feathered wings, she caught up to the first group of metal birds. She found it strange how they didn't break formation even when she took out the last metal bird in the formation with a swipe from her talons, sending flaming debris crashing to the ground.

Why wouldn't they scatter? It would have been harder for her to tear their numbers apart if they broke formation, yet they didn't. Strange.

Harp veered sharply to the right when she felt little pin pricks shower her back. It wasn't painful at all. It was just uncomfortable. She took a few more metal birds out with her turn. She felt each one make contact with her body which hurt worse than the little things the metal birds fired at her.

Harp grinned as a few flew past to get in front of her. They turned abruptly and started heading straight back at her. It caught her off guard slightly, but Harp had a trump card.

She had always wanted to know what an Elder's breath attack looked like. Harp had dreamed of having power like that as a little hatchling. Now, she had that power, and she was beyond eager to try it out.

Although Harp never had a breath attack, her instincts told her to inhale lots of air. Her chest puffed as her lungs expanded, taking in all the air they could fit. She felt heat in her chest rise up her throat and released the fiery air at the last second.

A small orb fired out of her mouth and straight into the group of metal birds who persisted in keeping formation. The orb stopped after traveling so far and detonated, leaving an entire sphere of destruction. Whatever was within the blast radius was fried to a crisp.

Harp grinned. "So that's what it did?" Harp used that attack she dubbed "gravity bomb" several times over, attracting her mate up to help her take out the last of the metal birds.

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