Chapter 88- Written by K

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Harp awoke to the sound of a thundering boom in the mouth of her cave. It startled her out of her sleep, but she knew that it was merely her mate coming home from whatever they were doing.

She found out quickly that they had gone hunting as the three heads of Ghidorah poked into her part of the cave, carrying two whales. They dropped one at Harp's front paws. Harp didn't wait for them to get comfortable and start eating first. The griffin dug in almost immediately.

She was quite hungry at the moment.

Ghidorah didn't seem to mind that she didn't wait for them. In fact after Harp was done with her whale, bones and all, they pushed their uneaten half of the whale towards, encouraging her to eat more.

If she was pregnant, she'd need a lot of strength and food.

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