Chapter 66- Written by K

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Taron turned towards Harp as the griffin snuck up behind her. She hadn't even heard her approach. She was sitting and staring at the large bird of prey, waiting for her response. "I was leaving and didn't want to ruin the party," Taron stated, tucking her wings to her side.

"Funny you say that...I was going to do the same," Harp muttered. The party was all well and good, and it was great seeing all of her old friends, but something felt missing. She could shake the feeling and thus wasn't in the mood for a party.

Taron perked up. She was shocked to hear that out of Harp. She looked like she was enjoying her welcome home party. Guess not. "I'm assuming you're going to see Rodan?" Harp asked. Quietly, knowing that if Godzilla heard that it would be incredibly bad. 

Taron nodded. "Yeah, I miss him, and I can't help but think that he's really lonely right now," Taron muttered. Harp smirked. Seems like she wasn't the only one missing someone. "Where are you going?" She asked.

Harp smiled and sighed. "Don't kill me when I say this, but I'm going back with Ghidorah. I miss all three heads, even NI," Harp laughed. The two girls continued sharing information and catching up. Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched by a pair of blue, kind eyes.

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