Chapter 154- Written by K

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Harp was exhausted by the time morning rolled around. The exhaustion was mostly due to Ghidorah's new competition with Rodan but also due to Halcyon and his constant state of hunger.

The adults had to take turns in hunting, but it was mostly Ghidorah who hunted while Harp nursed. Harp sighed internally.

Ghidorah wanted another kid and they barely knew how to take care of one.

Harp knew what she was doing though. Instincts helped her along with caring for her baby. At least right now he didn't do much but eat and sleep, seeing how he was still a newborn.

Nevertheless, taking care of a kid was exhausting. She didn't understand how Taron and Rodan kept up with their family of three. She could barely keep up with giving each head of Ghidorah the attention they demanded and raising a child on top of that.

Whatever the case was, she was happy to oblige.

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