Chapter 151- Written by A

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"Garra, you come back here right now young lady!" Rodan scolded, chasing down his oldest daughter. She somehow thought that it was time to leave the safety of the nest. But she was sorely mistaken. If anything, it was really time for her bath. Catching the little bird, the massive prehistoric reptile brought her back.

"See Garra, your brother doesn't mind having a bath," Taron pointed out. Zhao, who was now all clean, strutted away from his mother with his head held high. Glaring at him while she was groomed by the large bird of prey, Garra muttered, "That's cuz he's a show off." Pretending to look hurt by the comment, Zhao retorted, "You're just jealous."

"Enough fighting," Taron scolded them both.

"Papa," Taloni squeaked. Rodan looked down at his other daughter as she stumbled over to him. All three were a week and a half old now yet Taloni possessed not a single mischievous trait. She often stayed close to either one or both of her parents. Right now, the little prehistoric reptile was begging for another bath. Purring, Rodan obliged and groomed the scales on her head.

Parenting was hard work but it did have its upsides.

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