Chapter 150- Written by K

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Taking care of kids was a lot harder than Harp had ever imagined, and she only had one. She felt bad for Taron and Rodan who had three little rascals to look after, especially if they were as curious as Halcyon.

Her golden prince got into everything. He was as curious as Harp had been as a hatchling. More times than one, he had tried to eat his fathers' tails. He liked to attack and pounce on the adults' tails and paws as well. Though he knew that the right head of Ghidorah didn't approve of that too much and kept away from Ni.

Halcyon loved his mother and San more than the other two heads of Ghidorah. They coddled him and gave him as much attention as he wanted. He really only liked Ichi because he associated him with food as Ichi was the one to bring fresh meat home for the family.

At the moment, Halcyon was snuggled up against the fluff of Harp's belly as she spent the peace and quiet napping in the cave. Both waited for Ghidorah to return from their scheduled patrol of their lonely island. Halcyon made himself busy by nursing, waiting for his sires to get home.

He always loved playing with San, especially biting and teething on the hydra's horns. It was another one of his favorite past times. Normally, it didn't annoy San, but he knew he wasn't allowed to do it to Ichi or Ni. He'd get reprimanded for that!

Once his belly was full, he curled up next to Harp's belly and fell asleep.

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