Chapter 5: New People, New Problems

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Duck: No, no!

Before Y/n can react, a gunshot rings out and the walker goes limp and collapses on Duck as he pushes it off and runs over to Kenny and Katjaa while covered in walker blood. Looking over at the place where the shot came from, Y/n and the others find a lady holding a gun as she keeps firing at the walkers. With her is an asian man in a baseball cap, he's standing near the entrance to the pharmacy as he looks at everyone. The woman is Carley and the man in the cap Glenn. 

Glenn: Run! 

Without a second thought, everyone runs toward the pharmacy. Carley fires a few more shots at the walkers and everyone runs into the pharmacy behind Glenn. As they all make it in, he closes and padlocks the metal gate in front of the building and joins the others inside as walkers pound on the gate. Inside the pharmacy there are three more survivors, an angry lady in a black tank top, a heavier set guy, and an old man. As they all make it in, Y/n and the others start to hear a lot of arguing as the angry lady sets in on Carley. 

Angry Lady: We can't take risks like this!

Carley immediately comes to their defense. 

Carley: And we can't just let people die, either.

Angry Lady: When I say "that door stays shut no matter what" I fucking mean it. We don't know who these people are; they could be dangerous!

The old man, a tall white guy with a big nose, also chimes in; yelling at Carley.

Old Man: Worse, they could've led 'em right to us!

Carley looks at the old man. 

Carley: Where the hell is your humanity?! They would've died out there!

Old Man: Then we let 'em!

The angry woman is Lilly, the old man is her father, Larry, and at last is Doug, the heavy guy. Doug is looking out the window as Lee steps up getting closer to Lilly with his arms crossed, though still keeping distance. 

Lee: Whoa, chill the fuck out, lady. We're just people trying to avoid those things, just like you.

Lilly: Don't come in here and swear at me!

Lee: I'll say whatever I want if you start threatening these people.

Carley keeps looking at Lilly, but speaks to the others. 

Carley: You'll have to excuse her.

Lilly: The hell he, or anyone will. This is about survival, do you guys not see what's happening?

As the arguing goes on, Y/n looks over at Clementine to see if she's okay, but he notices she has her legs crossed. Confused, he gets her attention by tapping her arm and she looks at him as he whispers. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Are you okay? 

Clementine: (Whisper) I...I gotta pee. 

Y/n: Uh, ask Lee. Maybe he'll know where the bathroom is. 

Clementine tugs on Lee's shirt and looks up at him while he looks at her. 

Lee: What is it? 

Clementine: I...I have to pee.

Lee: Then just go. 

Clementine lets go of his hand and looks at Y/n, not wanting to go off on her own to find the bathroom. 

Clementine: Can you come with me to find the bathroom? 

He nods and grabs her hand.  

Y/n: Sure. Let's find it quickly, it's gotta be around here somewhere. 

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