Zim Vs Crypto

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(Invader Zim Vs Destroy All Humans!)

- Both are alien Invaders that are trying to take over the planet

- Both have a large arsenal of weapons and technology

- Both are super geniuses



Irken PAK: A backpack-like device attacked to Zim when he was hatched. It has multiple uses.

Secondary Brain: The PAK contains all of Zim's personality and statitistics. It is also shown to possibly have some sort of sentience or built-in emeregency use, as it once saved Zim while he was unconcious.

Spider Legs: Robotic, spider-like legs that allow for quicker movement and extended reach. They can also be used as sharp weapons.

Shield Generator: The PAK is able to generate a shield around Zim.

Communication Device: A device built into the PAK that allows Zim to communicate with GIR anywhere.

Normal Backpack Usage: The PAK has a section in it for Zim to carry things around in.

Invisible Bubble Helmet: A helmet that allows Zim to be in space.

Binocular Helmet: A helmet with binoculars attached, as well as a nightvision mode.

Organ-Harvesting Device: Zim is able to extract people's organs, and put them in his own body.

Ray Guns: A set of ray guns connected to the PAK.

Robotic Arm: A small robotic arm that can be used to lift and move things.

Jetpack: A jetpack that is used for air movement.

Laser Cutters: Lasers that are able to cut through objects.

SIR Unit: Called Gir, he is a robotic assistant to Zim. He is insane, dimwitted, and can rarely do anything to help though.

Spaceship: A standard Irken spaceship that Zim uses for quick space and regular travel.


Genius Intelligience: Zim has genius level intellect, able to create and make devices and robots.

Expert Pilot: Zim is an expert at piloting his space ship.

Hacking: Zim has been shown to be able to hack electronic devices very well.



Jetpack: this provides a great deal of Crypto's mobility and allows him to ascend to great heights as well as cover ground even faster on land

Shield Generator: that protects Crypto from damage, but has a limited power supply and continued damage will cause it to momentarily shut down, unless Crypto avoids taking damage until it recharges.

Zap-O-Matic: The first weapon Crypto receives, the Zap-O-Matic is capable of directing continuous bolts of electricity at targets to deal damage. Though using this weapon depletes its battery, it recharges rather quickly.

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