Ahsoka Tano Vs Psylocke

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(Star Wars Vs Marvel Comics)

- Both have psychic powers
(Yeah I know this is a stretch)

- Both are swordswomen

Ahsoka Tano


Ahsoka Tano owned two different pairs of lightsabers. She originally built her first lightsaber, which had a silver cylindrical hilt and a green blade, before becoming Anakin Skywalker's Padawan at the Battle of Christophsis. She wielded this lightsaber by itself for some time, before constructing a shoto lightsaber with a matching hilt and a yellow-green blade to accompany it upon taking up Jar'Kai. Both sabers had kyber crystals from the sacred planet of Ilum. Tano wielded both lightsabers in battle until her departure from the Jedi Order, upon which the weapons fell into the care of her former master Skywalker. While they were in his custody, Skywalker tinkered with them to improve them, which led to the sabers having blue blades when he returned them to Tano before the start of the Siege of Mandalore. Tano would later abandon the sabers on a moon after the issuing of Order 66 in order to fake her death to the Empire.

Over a year after the Clone Wars, Tano constructed a new pair of lightsabers, these ones with white blades, during the evacuation of Raada. The weapons initially had rough handles made of pieces of scrap Tano had acquired on her journeys, although she later rebuilt the hilts to be more functional and decorative. The kyber crystals within, as well as their mountings, came from the lightsaber of the Inquisitor Sixth Brother, whom Tano had defeated on Raada. Tano found the crystals familiar, and speculated they had been looted from the Jedi Temple after the Order's fall. After claiming the crystals, she purified them of the taint of the dark side until they shone white before assembling the weapons with scrap materials she had collected.[9] These white lightsabers continued to serve her during the early rebellion, as she used them in battle against multiple Inquisitors, as well as Darth Vader.
During her time on Thabeska in the first year of the Empire, Tano also owned a blaster, but she destroyed it in order to provide a diversion for her escape. When her starship was captured by Chardri Tage and Tamsin, agents of Bail Organa, after her second departure from Thabeska, Tano knocked them out with a pair of bastons she had selected from the ship's weapons box.


Lightsaber skills

Ahsoka Tano made use of an unorthodox reverse grip during combat, but, at the insistence of her master, eventually began to utilize the standard grip in addition to her reverse grip. Tano was a particularly acrobatic lightsaber duelist who often utilized the Force to jump down on her opponents and to dodge lightsaber strikes. Although she was physically smaller than many of her foes, she proved to be a skilled duelist, wielding one and eventually two lightsabers.

At the beginning of her apprenticeship under Skywalker, Tano's combat skills were already quite considerable given that she defeated three IG-100 MagnaGuards single-handedly during her first mission. Later, Tano temporarily held her ground against the skilled Sith assassin Asajj Ventress and the Jedi hunter General Grievous after only a very short time training under Skywalker.

During the Clone Wars, Tano became a practitioner of Jar'Kai, wielding a yellowish-green shoto lightsaber in addition to her standard lightsaber. However, Tano occasionally utilized only her main lightsaber, such as when she dueled Skywalker on Mortis while under the dark side influence of the Son. Nevertheless, Tano more commonly utilized Jar'Kai, particularly when facing multiple opponents such as when she engaged the much more experienced Skywalker and Kenobi on Mortis. Whilst fleeing from clones after being framed for murder, Tano lost her second lightsaber and was forced to use only her main lightsaber to fight Barriss Offee. Her duel against Offee showed that she had become too reliant on her second lightsaber, something she had in common with Asajj Ventress, and though she did put up a considerable fight, Offee overwhelmed her. Around two years after her first duel with Grievous, Tano proved during their encounter on Florrum that her skills in lightsaber combat had improved vastly as she held her own against all four of Grievous's lightsabers, whereas previously she only lasted a short time when he was using only two lightsabers. Instead of fleeing after exchanging only a few blows, Tano held her ground and gave the Younglings time to escape before escaping with them.

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