Beetlejuice Vs The Mask

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(Warner Bros Vs Dark Horse Comics)

- Both Have the power of Toon Force

- Both just can't be put down permanently



Reality warping
Levitation / Flight
Teleportation (Himself and others)
Can conjure / summon objects
Can mimic people's voices

The mask


The Mask has various powers such as super-strength, speed, intelligence, and durability. He also has the ability to warp reality. He is also super agile and has a strong healing factor that makes him immune to typical means of harm.

Other abilities of The Mask are immortality, duplication, shapeshifting, creation, summoning, transfiguration, size manipulation, creating tornadoes and the ability to stretch his limbs. His powers also make him almost incapable of being hurt by normal means.

Finally, he has toon awareness making him know that he is a fictional character.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: I would have to give this to the mask, I mean based off of what I have looked up he has interacted with DC characters before and has done some amazing things that Beetlejuice would have a hard time countering

That's just my opinion, what are you guys think. Mean I think this is a very clear-cut match but it would actually be very entertaining to see them two fight.

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