Maka Albarn Vs Ruby Rose

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               (Soul Eater Vs RWBY)

- Both have scythe's

- Both go to special schools that train them to kill monsters

- Their parents are very acquainted with people in high places

Maka albarn


Book: Usually, Maka carries a book with her to read even during missions.

Demon Scythe: With Soul Eater as her weapon partner, she is able to take advantage of the plethora of capabilities in which result from their Soul Resonance as well as other abilities. After becoming a Death Scythe and combining it with his sound abilities, it is known that the result is that it greatly enhances her already proficient skill, Soul Perception.

Black Blood (Former): While in resonance to Soul, Maka has access to black blood with Soul Eater. Under it's influence, she has greater strength that makes her capable of tossing Crona into a arch structure, destroying it in the process. She also managed to manhandle Crona, whose strength due to Ragnarok once overpowered herself. Maka was also able to take fatal attacks from the Black Sword transformation with only minor wounds as well as being resistant to stabbing related attacks. This can also increase her healing ability, even surviving being impaled by Asura himself.

Black Blood's Madness (Former): In this state, the Black Blood's Madness gives her a wavelength similar to Crona. With this Madness, the Little Ogre stated that it doesn't let Maka feel fear at all. With this Madness, her fighting style becomes more erratic.

Black Blood Armor (Former): This ability is one of Maka's major advantages with the Black Blood and Soul Resonance. Formerly, this dress was prematurely created during her fight against Arachne, giving her a boost in defense enough to withstand Arachne's powerful web attacks as well as enable her to easily utilize the Demon-Hunt technique in addition and allowed her to kill Arachne. After Soul pulled the Black Blood in full blast, this created a new and more formidable dress armor, allowing her flight even.

Tsubaki Mode Change: Chain Scythe: Maka is capable of using one of Tsubaki's transformations, her chain scythe mode in particular. She was proficient enough to have attempted to battle the werewolf Free by tossing it and managed to connect her attack to Free (though it did little damage on account of his immortality.

Demon Scythe: Due to being Spirit's daughter, she is capable of resonating with the Death Scythe's transformation via a bond, disallowing the poison from Crona's thorn ability to tamper with resonating. With this weapon, she displayed enough proficiency to battle Crona and utilize the great traditional techniques of the scythe-meister capable of breaking Crona's defenses. While in use, she states that her father's form is heavier but possess extra power from the weight.


Scythe Handling Skills: A weapons expert in the usage of a scythe, Maka acts as a extraordinary scythe-meister whose skill allowed her to be recognized as one of the top one-star meisters of Death Weapon Meister Academy and later be promoted to a two-star status. While her initial scythe-handling skill came in most from her own and Soul's partnership rather than simply her own skill, it seems Maka no longer needs to rely on Soul to do much of the spinning and work. During her fight with Crona, she used her father's demon scythe form against the latter, showing great skill as she spin and twirl the scythe even from her legs. Her skill with a scythe also makes her capable of using Tsubaki's Chain Scythe weapon form.

Anti-Demon Wavelength: Maka possess a special wavelength that acts as a bane against dark forces such as magic, demons, and even likely immortals. This wavelength also allows her to utilize enhanced forms of the Witch-Hunt, allows her immunity to certain magics like Arachne's magic, direct influence from the black blood, and madness to an extent. She can voluntarily transfer this wavelength to her partner,[56] to others on her own with physical contact, or through Soul's piano.

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