Darth Vader Vs Obito Uchiha

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(Star Wars Vs Naruto)

- Both were tricked into becoming evil

- Both eventually become good in the end despite them dying

Darth Vader


Dual-Phase Lightsaber: Lightsabers are the main weapons of Jedis and Sith Lords. They are beam swords that are capable of cutting through even the strongest metals like butter. Vader's is a dual-phase lightsaber, allowing him to instantly change its length in battle with the flick of a switch. the length the switch can change between are adjustable, and Vader has his set two blade lengths at ≈1 meter and ≈1.5 meters respectively.

Armor: Darth Vader's armor doubles as a life support system, keeping him alive after his incident on Mustafar.

Enhanced Durability: Being primarily made of durasteel alloy and Mandalorian iron-infused fabric, the armor is capable of withstanding plenty of punishment. It has effortlessly tanked blaster bolts, point-blank explosions, fire, and even hits from lightsabers and left the battle with only minor scratches.

Enhanced Strength: Through a combination of his robotic prosthetic and Sith alchemical enhancements to his armor, Vader's wields superhuman strength without use of the Force.

Enhanced Jump: His cybernetic legs are capable of sending him dozens of feet into the air without any use of Force Jump.

Immense Pain Tolerance: Due to being on constant pain killers fed by the suit as well as having his nerves' senses of touch dulled, Anakin can withstand monstrous levels of pain and keep fighting.

Enhanced Stamina: Via the Sith alchemy used to enhance the suit, Vader can fight for extended periods of time without rest.

Temperature Control Unit: His armor is equipped with a sensitive temperature regulation, which allows him to withstand extreme temperatures like the frigid ices of Hoth or the raging fires of Mustafar.

Enhanced Vision: The armor's eye pieces are capable of seeing in near infrared and ultraviolet, providing Vader with the ability to see in the dark.

Magnetic Boots: Vader's boots contain ferromagnetic cores that can generate a strong magnetic field as the Sith Lord desires, allowing him to stick to metallic surfaces like a starship hull. 

Enhanced Force Connection: To compensate for Vader's devastated tissues disrupting his connection to the Force and thus weakening his abilities, the armor is alchemically enchanted to increase the flow of the Force through Vader's body, thus making his abilities stronger overall. 


The Force: Anakin is very much in tune with the Force, being the chosen one and having the potential to be the strongest bearer of the Force in history.

Force Valor: Vader could use various different techniques to enhance his speed, reflexes, and strength.

Telekinesis: Vader's preferred Force ability, his powers allow him to easily move objects with his mind and the wave of a hand.

Force Push: Vader utilized Force Push to Force Push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious. In the Lords of the Sith novel, Vader's was strong enough to send a large telekinetic pulse capable of ripping apart several Lyleks simultaneously, despite the fact that the creatures' carapaces were impervious to even heavy blaster fire.

Force Wave: Vader utilized Force Wave to unleash a wave of pure force-energy that knocked back and repelled anything within the power's blast radius or push multiple opponents simultaneously. He unleashed a telekinetic tremor that destroyed the medical chamber where he was first encased with his armor, while multiple objects, and droids were simultaneously crushed, and Palpatine was blasted against a wall.

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