Gru Vs Megamind

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(Illumination Vs Dreamworks)

- Both are super intelligent villains

- Both redeem themselves and became good guys

- Both have a massive arsenal of weapons and tech


Weapons & Vehicles

Freeze Ray: The freeze ray which was invented by Dr.Nefario, is Felonius Gru's signature weapon, when fired it projects a ray that freezes anything instantly.

Shrink Ray: The SR-6, more often referred to as just the shrink ray, is, as the informal name implies, a laser weapon that shrinks its targets temporarily with an energy beam.

Fart Gun: The Fart Gun is a weapon created by Dr. Nefario. It looks like a metallic rifle with a canister on top holding blue liquid and an object like a shower head attached to the end. This distributes brown gas which can travel for about a meter and a half before dissipating. True to it's name, when fired, it sounds like someone farting, and its gas is noxious and disgusting. Regardless, this weapon is used as a respectful salute tool, such as the 21-fart gun salute.

Laser Gun

Lipstick Taser

Rocket Launcher

Jelly Gun: The Jelly Gun is a weapon developed by Dr. Nefario for more efficient methods of antidote delivery against the PX-41 mutated subjects.

Big Blaster Cannon: The Big Blaster Cannon is the weapon Gru used to destroy a game called Space Killer at Super Silly Fun Land, after he is ripped off. It is an extremely compact weapon that can fit in his pocket, yet when activated, it will grow in size and launch a fireball that scorches anything in the way.

Inflation Gun: a gadget used by Gru to inflate various objects with air.

Gru's Airship: Gru's airship is a heavily armed aircraft used by Gru to transport him over large distances his car can't get to. Despite its unorthodox design, the airship is surprisingly powerful and functions normally under most circumstances. The airship itself is tall and quite thin. At the front it tapers to a point and a smaller one at the back. A huge rotating rocket thruster is hung over the back point as the main source of power, which allows the ship to achieve VTOL.

There are two seats in the front and in the back, there is a claw that can drop through a hatch in the bottom. It also seems to have a large cargo hold and can accommodate many minions.

The vehicle is armed with six machine guns (three in each wing) and has two large missile racks concealed in its body.

Grumobile: The vehicle is extremely high, being as tall as a story of a building, and the cockpit is on the top of the car. Under the cockpit, it seems to be spacious (Not directly shown but implied when Gru can keep Agnes, Edith, and Margo all inside) and entrance is behind the vehicle. It can speed up instantly thanks to it's massive rocket that provides significant boost in a matter of seconds. The sound of the honk is slightly lower in amplitude compared to typical cars, more like a truck's horn.

Other things

He is very strong and athletic, being capable of dodging and leaping off several heat-seeking missiles (all going at the speed of sound), backhanding Vector's shark with a single punch (with the apparent force of a truck), and smashing his fist into Vector's monitor, easily cracking the screen without damaging his hand.

Apart from his remarkable agility and strength, Gru is also considerably intelligent. For example, as a child he built a real rocket, although later on his minions and Nefario did most of his work instead. Gru is also capable of forming smart plans, such as his plan to steal the shrink ray from Vector.



Blower Glove: The Blower Glove is a full-arm glove for the left arm. It can fire bursts of air that can disperse poison gas, knock over opponents, or move heavy objects that are close or lighters objects that are more distant. It is an important tool for Megamind in the video game, Megamind: The Blue Defender.

Tesla Glove: a gauntlet for the left hand. It can fire a burst of electricity that can stun opponents, and even arc between multiple targets. It also can interact with electrically power devices, powering them when they have no other energy source. And, it can be used to make toast. It is an important tool for Megamind in the video game, Megamind: The Blue Defender.

Brainbots: The Brainbots are Megamind's robot assistants. They have special abilities such as light display and flight, they also have dog-like personalities.

The De-Gun: it is a weapon Megamind invented as a kid which he usually uses to dehydrate things (It also has the commands: Decompress, Debilitate, Demoralize, Decoupage, Deregulate, Death Ray, and Destroy).

In the movie, Megamind uses it to dehydrate Minion when they are at school, Bernard, when Megamind has to disguise himself as him, trash, Roxanne's doorman Carlos, and himself to avoid falling to death while fighting Tighten. He also uses it to cut the lace at the inauguration of the Megamind Museum.

The De-Gun is seen again in Megamind: The Button of Doom, where Damien uses it to dehydrate his and his friends' parents until Megamind and Minion retrieved it.

The Death Ray: The Death Ray is a ray powered by solar energy which Megamind used to kill Metro Man. It was the only thing that Minion and Megamind couldn't sell during "Megamind: The Button of Doom", aside from the button that activated the Mega-Megamind. According to Minion, the Death Ray has it's own GPS.

Holo-Watch: a device used by Megamind quite often, and it plays a huge role in the movie in terms of how the plot unfolds and the character relationships. It has the ability to holographically change the appearance of whoever wears it to that of someone that has been scanned into its database (Megamind quickly scans Bernard before using the watch to disguise himself). It can also alter the voice of said individual (presumably if their voice has been recorded), but does not change their eye color.

The Forget-Me Stick: a black colored baseball bat with a skull on it. Minion mainly uses it to knock people out whenever they run out of the knock-out spray.

Mace: a spray which Minion uses to knock people out. During Megamind's criminal career Minion used it to put Roxanne to sleep every time they kidnapped her so she couldn't know the location of Megamind's lair.

Megamind's B.I.N.K.E.Y (Blue Ion Nano Kinetic Energ-Y): Before sending their infant son off to Earth, Megamind's father gave him a pacifier, which he referred to as "binky". Turns out that the binky also serves as a weapon when Megamind used it to blow up a wall on the prison when he was still a baby, allowing the inmates to escape. Despite that, Warden didn't confiscate it. Megamind used it as a nightlight, a teether, a torch, and to power the Prototype Dehydration Gun, the laser on Minion's first robot suit and his dodgeball protecting helmet. According to the video game, it is put away in a glass container in Megamind's Lair, implying that it ran out of power.

Megaminds Battle Suit: a giant robot suit which Megamind used to fight Tighten in the movie until the latter destroyed it. After defeating Tighten Megamind repaired it and allowed Minion to use it during the inauguration of the Megamind Museum at the end of the movie.

Spider Bot: a scorpion-like robot that appeared in Megamind: The Button of Doom, when Megamind wanted to sell it during the yard sale, but Minion hid it. Megamind used it to make the Mega-Megamind follow him to the observatory, where it was destroyed with the Death Ray.

The Terror Teddy: a big Teddy Bear that takes out thick metallic spines when someone hugs it. It was sold to a young boy in "Megamind: The Button of Doom".


The Invisible Car


Super Intelligence - Megamind's super-intelligence seems to be innate to his alien physiology and his unusually large brain.

Who I'm rooting for: Megamind

Who I think will win: Megamind, although gru was more physically stronger than Megamind was that's pretty much the only advantage he has. In Megamind literally has a death laser with its own GPS

I mean this is a pretty obvious one but you can't tell me this wouldn't be hilarious to see on death battle or anywhere for that matter.

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