SpringTrap Vs Chara

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(Five Nights at Freddy's Vs Undertale)

- Both are killers that have had many victims

- Both are extremely hard to kill permanently



Very Intelligent and Persuasive

Regeneration: He was capable of surviving any damage that comes his way, despite his decomposed condition. In fact, he even survived the burning of the establishment at the end of the game, returning as a main villain in the three games that follow.

Capable of blending into the shadows


Capable of ripping apart the animatronics in a matter of seconds.


The Springtrap suit should give Afton some form of extra armor.

He survived the fire that burned down Fazbear's Fright.


Can kill the animatronics before the can react.

Can move faster than a security guard can track.


Should have the standard training of a security guard.

Skilled in using stealth to his advantage.

Hides in the shadows to the point of being near invisible to the human eye.

Used the Purple Freddy illusion to lure the animatronics to a location where he has the advantage.



Real Knife: There main tool for killing, it has enough power to kill most monsters and creatures in a single hit.

Locket: Maxes out there defense by 99.

Instant Noodles: Restores +4 to 99 HP.

SnowPiece: Obtained from Snowman, it restores +45 HP.

Steak: Steak in the Shape of Mettaton´s Face, it heal +60 HP.

Sea Tea: Heals +10 HP and increase speed.

Stained Apron: Increases +11 DF and restores +1 HP every other turn.

Legendary Hero: A sandwich in the shape of a sword, it heals 40 HP and increases +4 Attack for one battle.


Fighting Skill: There fighting style is usually attacks with knife slashes, and they can fight on par with Sans and Undyne.

Possession: As a spirit, Chara can posses someone if they enough DETERMINATION, possibily possessed Kris in Deltarune.

Determination: A power that only humans can use, it allows them to keep coming back despite how many times she dies, all while retaining, all there past knowledge.

Save and Load: If Chara were to mess something up, they could go to a certain area and fix it.

RESET: Chara´s most powerful and useful ability, gained through her determination, it can be used to restore an entire timeline up to a certain point, or to the very beginning of the journey with all of the memories of what had happened to guide them in the new timeline.

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: Chara, I mean William would not be even able to permanently take them down. I mean they would literally just reset over and over again until they're able to permanently take down the purple man

I sort of like easy fight like this, I can see this happening in death battle but it's not very likely.

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