Man-Thing Vs Swamp Thing

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(Marvel Vs DC)

- Both are literal plant people who protect nature



Man-Thing-Physiology: After injecting himself with the serum, Sallis became a being composed of vegetable matter formed by a mixture of mystical energy and swamp mutagens.

Malleability: Man-Thing is capable of passing through objects via oozing, and can also shape and elongate his limbs or create weapons from bark-like material.

Superhuman Strength: Man-Thing possess superhuman strength, being able to lift a 2,000 pound automobile, and was capable of fighting the Hulk.

Superhuman Durability: Man-Thing possess superhuman durability, being resistant to most physical attacks because he's not entirely a solid being. During battle, his enemies' attacks don't cause harm, as a fist or bullet usually pass through him.

Empathy/Acidic Secretion: Due to his transformation, Ted's brain is no longer centrally located as it was when he was human, and is his brain is incapable of thoughts, reason, or long-term memory. Despite this, Man-Thing does have a sensory apparatus, which is able to empathically sense the emotions of other organisms. When he senses emotion, he will seek out the source, as mild emotion provokes "curiosity", as violent emotion provokes him to attack.

Teleportation: Man-Thing can teleport himself and others to specific locations by opening portals. He can apparently also open portals to place he hasn't been, as long as he has an image of it.

Master Biochemist: Dr. Sallis was a master biochemist, being recommended to Project Gladiator and Project Sulfur for the United States Army.

X'zelzi'ohr: When Man-Thing was granted speech again, he spoke the language of X'zelzi'ohr, the universal language.

Swamp Thing


Elemental: His body is composed of sentient vegetable matter.

Self-Sustenance: The ability to nourish oneself, typically via an external energy source. In Swamp Thing's case, likely through a form of photosynthesis and composting.

Superhuman Strength: The Swamp Thing's strength level is directly tied to his connection to the Earth. Occupying his most commonly used body, the Swamp Thing is capable of lifting volumes of mass many times greater than his own body weight. With additional power supplied to him by The Green, his ultimate strength level is nearly incalculable, dependent entirely on The Green's health.

Elemental Control: The Swamp Thing has complete mastery over all forms of plant life and can command vegetative matter to do his bidding. Through this power, he is in constant communication with the very essence of the Earth, and serves as the Plant Elemental for the entire planet. Swamp thing was also formally the elemental of "all" the elements including Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Flesh.

Chlorokinesis: The ability to commune with plant life and to control its growth and form. He can summon forth vines to entangle or snare, and so on. He has threatened on more than one occasion to cause the microscopic flora within his enemies bodies to grow out and kill them from the inside. Once, he made a replica of a entire city, complete with animated persons (talking, walking, acting and with natural colors) and houses in each detail, only with his plant-powers.

Astral Projection: Swamp Thing's essence can abandon his body, traveling through The Green, and grow a new body in other region, made with endemic plant matter. (For example, in a desert, he could create a body made with cactus).

Possession: Once he housed his essence inside Constantine's body, controlling all his acts; He did it to mate with Abigail, and she became pregnant with Tefé. (Constantine is extremely resentful of the Swamp Thing's lack of ethics on this occasion.)

Bio-Fission: Swamp Thing can grow multiple copies of himself, but these are only animated vegetable constructs, which have no actions without direct orders from Swamp Thing.

Enhanced Intellect: Swamp Thing can enhance his mental capacities by growing a giant model of a organic brain, and then attaching that brain to his head. It take circa 2 hours in which Swamp Thing cannot move until the brain is disconnected.

Illusion Casting: Swamp Thing can grow orange tubers in his body; when eaten, it causes the victim to experience illusions (good and honest persons will have relaxing illusions; evil persons will have painful and terrifying illusions).

Immortality: Theoretically so long as there is some vestige of plant life anywhere in the universe, the Swamp Thing will always have a vehicle through which to house his consciousness, rendering him effectively immortal.

Size Alteration


Resurrection: The Swamp Thing houses his conscious mind inside of a humanoid body made up of compacted flora and vegetable material. At will, he can abandon this form and take up residence inside of another shell, grown from any plant life in any location. Even if the body he is currently occupying is destroyed, Alec's mind lives on in The Green, and will reconstitute a newly grown body. The Swamp Thing operated for several years before he even became aware of this ability. Eventually, it was the occultist John Constantine who revealed Swamp Thing's elemental nature to him, and instructed him in reconstituting his body.

Chemist: He retains the memories of Alec Holland, who was a brilliant chemist and botanist

Who I'm rooting for: Man-Thing

Who I think will win: Swamp Thing, this is mainly because he has better abilities and a lot more abilities than Man-Thing. Also I heard that Swamp Thing got some power up that kind of makes it unfair so there you go.

And thats it, Marvel versus DC fights so it will probably happen eventually especially since it's actually decently popular.

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