Eren Yeager Vs Lelouch Lamperouge

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(Attack On Titan Vs Code Geass)

- Both are protagonists that act like villains later in the series

Eren Yeager


ODM Gear: a type of equipment developed by humans that allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat. It allows the user to fight in a 3D space as opposed to a 2D one. The equipment itself takes the form of a body harness that encompasses much of the body below the neck.

Although the equipment can grant a skilled user tremendous mobility, it is a demanding art that requires both strength and skill, both of which must be honed through constant practice.

Some tools involved in the apparatus include:

Hand grips
Piston-shot grapple-hooks
Gas-powered mechanism
Iron wire propeller with plug-in blades


Superhuman Strength: As a Titan, Eren has displayed strength far beyond human capabilities on multiple occasions. Some of these include carrying a massive boulder over his head, punching the Female Titan with enough force to send her into the air, moving the colossal titan´s. He was also able to break the Armored Titan's armor at one point, relying on his martial skills. In regards to opposition, Eren´s titan form is evenly matched against the female, armored, jaw and other titans with few exceptions like the colossal, warhammer and even the beast titan, since he single-handedly defeated the armored titan much faster than the Eren himself.

Superhuman Speed: Eren in his Titan form can move at speed surpassing human capabilities. His speed has shown to rival with that of the Female Titan.

Superhuman Endurance: Eren in his Titan form has shown to take heavy hits from the likes of Reiner and Annie and stand back up on his toes quickly from them, despite having his jaw destroyed and being punched hundreds of feat. During his first transformation, he defeated 20 mindless Titans with moderate difficulty His endurance improves during his time in Marley, when he turns into a Titan three times in a row without rest.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Eren can heal from serious injuries and wounds as both a Titan and as a regular human. He has also shown to be able to stop the regenerating process and hold it for a long period of time, most notably being when he cut off his own leg to play off as an injured Marleyan soldier.

Healing Withdrawal: As briefly mentioned, Eren can withhold his regenerative healing for 3 years during his infiltration in the marleyan military similar Reiner braun during his time in the paradis military.

Crystal Hardening: After drinking Rod Reiss' bottle of "Armor", Eren has gained the ability to harden his Titan form. This ability ranges from hardening his fists to his entire body. His hardened fists are strong and durable enough to break the Armored Titan's armor and can hold massive structures together in place.

Structural Hardening/Creation: With the powers of the War Hammer Titan, Eren is able to create various solid structures made from his Titan flesh and can use them to layout traps, ambush his opponents or create weaponry.

Future Memory Inheritance/Clairvoyance: With the powers of the Attack Titan, Eren is able to see the memories of future inheritors, or relay his memories to previous users. Eren later revealed to Armin as a negative side effect with additionally having the Founding Titan, Eren's perception of time became non-linear and he acted with the flow of the history he was shown, and thought incoherently. However it also gave Eren a more powerful version of the Future Memory Inheritance ability, letting him take control of Dina Fritz's pure titan 9 years into the past to ensure history played out as he remembered.

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