Heaven Ascension DIO Vs Ultron Infinity

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(Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Vs Marvels What if....?)

- Both are Op version of very popular villains

Heaven Ascension Dio


Stand: DIO's evolved Stand, The World Over Heaven, can now overwrite reality itself in addition to its original ability of stopping time. As long as he is using the fists of his Stand, DIO could alter timelines and rewrite the existence of anything he wants.

The World Over Heaven also retains The World's original super strength, speed, and incredible precision.

DIO in his ascended form has the powers of teleportation, instantaneous regeneration, resurrecting the dead, mind control and can summon lightning bolts to attack and target his opponents. He also appears to have the ability of dimensional travel, similar to Funny Valentine's D4C.

This form, however, is not exempt from the rules of D4C's dimension hopping. As no two versions of the same person or thing can co-exist in the same dimension, should Part 3 DIO or something connected to him, like his golden bracelet rings, come in contact with Heaven Ascension DIO or their matching item, both versions will collide and destroy each other. Jotaro exploited this when he shattered Heaven Ascension DIO's arms with the aforementioned Part 3 DIO's bracelet rings.

Ultron Infinity


Double-Headed Spear: Ultron created and used this spear as his primary physical weapon of choice after defeating Thanos and possessing all six Infinity Stones. It is very durable, being able to withstand powerful attacks from Guardians of the Multiverse. It was destroyed in Ultron's first encounter with The Watcher but was later re-created as seen when Ultron used it again when facing the Guardians.


Synthezoid Physiology/Mind Stone Enhancement: Possessing an android body, Ultron is a perfect hybrid between organic and inorganic material. His entire body is a mix between a synthetic simulacrum of organic tissue and vibranium, all of which were merged with the cosmic powers of the Mind Stone to function as a living body. The combination of the vibranium and the cosmic energy from the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead not only gives him life and wisdom, but also grants Ultron an extremely large number of superhuman capabilities.

Superhuman Strength: With his vibranium body backed up by the Mind Stone's power, Ultron possesses an unfathomable amount of sheer strength, being able to defeat some of the strongest heroes in the universe such as Thor and Hulk. His strength was later further amplified by his exoskeleton armor empowered by the remaining Infinity Stones, allowing him to even overpower The Watcher in terms of strength.

Superhuman Durability: Ultron's synthezoid body is composed of vibranium, making him extremely durable. His durability was further amplified by his exoskeleton armor with the five Infinity Stones embedded in it, making him virtually invulnerable.

Superhuman Speed: Ultron can travel at incredible speed, being able to keep up with a cosmic being such as The Watcher in combat.

Superhuman Agility: Ultron is able to rapidly throw punches and dodge quickly as shown in his duel against The Watcher.

Superhuman Stamina: As a synthezoid, Ultron does not require sustenance or sleep, being able to maintain physical activity for an unlimited period of time. His stamina was further augmented by the Infinity Stones, allowing him to fight against The Watcher and Guardians of the Multiverse without tiring.

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